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Council discusses sponsorship for grant

Tuesday night, the Thermopolis Town Council approved a street closure for the Gift of the Waters parade. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Meri Ann Rush explained the closure would be the same as previous years, from Senior Avenue, up Arapahoe until Fifth, then to the flagpole and turning around in the intersection and heading east along Broadway to Fourth.

Rush further presented a permit from WYDOT, which was signed at the meeting. The permit is required for the parade turnaround at the intersection.

An intersection closing was also approved for the parade June 18 during the Hot Spot Car Rally.

Rush also asked about the replacement of the trees on either side of the intersection at Fifth and Broadway. She noted she would like to see a community Christmas tree, and the Chamber has some funds left over from the Christmas season earmarked for the tree.

Mayor Mortimore said discussion with Parks to this point has been to replace the tree on the east side of the intersection and a raised flowerbed on the west side. Mayor's Assistant Fred Crosby said there have been some positive comments regarding the removal of the trees and the resulting improved visibility. Mortimore pointed out there was money budgeted for a tree, and the council approved replacing the tree on the east side.

Rush also introduced Emmy Hergert, who began attending the Community Coffee and pointed out one of the goals was to incorporate and expand on the trail system around town. Among the points brought up during discussion of the trails was the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) fund. Hergert explained TAP is a grant opportunity through the Wyoming Department of Transportations. Application is due July 15, and the funding provides 80 percent of a project bid but requires a sponsoring agency to help for the remaining 20 percent.

The proposed project for the grant is for updating the sidewalk on Senior Avenue by the high school - putting in ramps and a pedestrian crosswalk - and extending the sidewalk over by The Ritz and the VFW. The second part is to update the sidewalk from the downtown crossing to the Broadway bridge.

A bid for the sidewalks and ramps came in at about $30,000, so the Town portion would be about $7,300. Later in the meeting, prior to the board's approval of the second draft of the 2016-17 budget, the board considered how to possibly allocate money for the TAP grant while keeping the budget balanced.

However, questions also arose regarding engineering fees for the project and other concerns, and a commitment to the TAP grant was not set in stone.

Also during the meeting, new police officer Ron Cunningham was sworn in. Cunningham began on May 23, and Police Chief Steve Shay noted he comes with some considerable experience, and he's glad to have him on board.

Shay was commended later in the meeting, for the work done to enforce speeding penalties.

A matter regarding the condemnation of a vacant building at 518 Arapahoe was referred to legal counsel to consider options.

Jocelyne Arey presented concerns about the building, which is severely deteriorated. Arey noted there are safety concerns, as kids go in and out of the building freely, as well as structural issues.

As the building has common walls, its deteriorating condition also impacts the neighboring businesses.

One of the questions that arose was who is responsible for the building, as the owners have since left town.her.

Tearing down the building could cost $50,000 to $100,000, but the possibility of investing in it rather than tearing it down was also mentioned.

Attorney Mike Messenger said condemning the building would first require a case in the District Court, but later noted the possibility of a private entity doing a condemnation.

Town Engineer Anthony Barnett said the tank project has been completed, and the repainted tank was put online. Council further granted Barnett a request for substantial completion and advertisement for final completion of the tank project.

With regard to the treated water project, the tie-in to the new pipe is done and several people are already on higher pressure. The Water Department has been slowly opening valves to reduce the risk of encountering problems.

Barnett also presented to the Council an amendment to the landfill permit, explaining a letter must be sent in with regard to cells 9, 10 and 11. The existing contour of the bottom of the draw would require filling some areas of the cells as others are excavated.

Kevin Skates was appointed to the Lodging Tax Board. According to his application to the board, Skates pointed out he has served two years and is familiar with the process, and his work experience is related to tourism.

JLA Services was approved to spray for weeds in the alleys, contingent upon coordinating with Tony Larson with regard to the chemical used and related matters.

The bid for the project came in at $6,160, which would come from the current fiscal year budget.


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