Over the Memorial Day weekend, the parking lot at Hot Springs County High School was a place to be for the Hot City Summer Slam 3-on-3 basketball tournament.
Though Thermopolis has hosted the tournament a number of years, 2016 marks the first time it was headed up by the Bobcat Boosters. The Booster Club's sponsorship means all the money generated stayed in the community. On top of that, vendors were all local clubs, organizations or concessionaires.
Ernie Mecca, a coach and Booster Club member, said the feedback he received from multiple participants of several towns was positive. He noted he heard from a police officer that it was the first time in 13 years there were no law enforcement calls with regard to the tournament.
From an event administration point of view, Mecca said, it went off without a hitch and there was tremendous volunteer support. The Boosters will continue to sponsor the annual event.
A total 67 teams played in the tournament. No official results were available.
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