The proposal by the Hot Springs State Park to limit or deny the two private swimming pools use of the thermal waters, which flow through the park, should outrage every single person in the state and beyond!
The proposal is to have these swimming pools convert to using potable, chlorinated water to lessen the demand on the “diminishing thermal flow from the springs.” Aren’t these two facilities the main reason that the park has visitors throughout the year? What is park management planning on doing with this water if it is not used for the swimming pools? The thermal water is merely routed through the swimming pools and is not used for any other reason unless people are drinking it or taking it home with them!
If enforced, the two swimming pools would have to be replaced with heated pools in which case people would be left without access to the thermal waters in THEIR state park! What would they do in the winter time, convert the outdoor pools into skating rinks? It appears the group that prepared this Master Plan did so with zero input from the people of Wyoming which is pretty much typical for our state government. Their theory is that, the less we involve the people of the state, the better it is. Where is Governor Mead and why hasn’t he weighed in on this very important issue? Without these two swimming pools the town of Thermopolis would suffer a major economic setback. If you visit this park at any time of the year, you will find people using both of these facilities.
Elderly people use the thermal waters to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and other diseases. Why take this away from them? The facilities need to be operated without any interference from the state park system. Why have public meetings if the input of those attending is going to be ignored? As the owner of one of the pools said, “Talking to those people is like talking to a brick wall.” Contact Governor Mead and let him know that this proposal needs to go.
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