The Labor Department recently determined folks should be paid for the time they work, increasing the salary ceiling under which overtime must be paid.
This caused some hand wringing, including from the National Newspaper Association, which threatens, “The impact upon news coverage will be felt immediately.”
A former newsman and IR employee, I appreciate the bind. Media in general, and newspapers in particular, are the fulcrum between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
Most newspapers, and especially the smaller outfits the NNA represents, don’t look to put the screws to their employees. I can only give my highest recommendation to the current administration of the IR and heartfelt appreciation to my mentors, friends and associates during my tenure there, including the owners.
As an employee, it was never my burden to see the IR P&L. But I am sure they dance nearer to the edge than the back of the blade, as all newspapers do in our austere day.
Fortunately, I have every confidence current management will find a way to pay the stewards of this newspaper for the hours they work, rather than the years they sacrifice. Even in a labor of love, there is a price to be paid.
It may be difficult. Devilishly so, perhaps even impossible. If this worries the reader, I would encourage their wholehearted support of this fine newspaper, and the labors of its employees. I sincerely love and terribly miss Thermop, and can attest to the dulling of Hot Springs County if a fair and equitable labor rule were to snuff out the Independent Record.
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