I spent my weekend dropping off Thermopolis Hot Springs Visitors' Guides in Riverton, Dubois and Jackson as well as crossing another state off of my bucket list: Idaho.
Prior to moving to Thermopolis, Idaho was not really a state I was excited to visit. To my surprise, I had fun in Idaho and on the trip getting there. I was able to see many things I had never seen before.
I was able to drive through Grand Teton National Park, which was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I listened to Modest Mouse's album Good News for People Who Love Bad News while driving through the many different kinds of terrain. The album is largely about the stresses and annoyances of everyday human existence and how we forget just how amazing the world and life actually are, if you just look around.
While looking at the jagged rocks pointing into the cotton candy-colored sky as the sun set and the moose below nibbled on grass by the Snake River, I felt all of my daily stresses, worries and anxieties disappear into the thin cool air and the quiet. Modest Mouse's "Blame it on the Tetons" finally made sense to me. Compared to the beauty of the Tetons, everything else seemed like it didn't really matter.
The Continental Divide provided another pivotal event during my trip. I have seen the Continental Divide in New Mexico about five years ago when I voyaged from Louisiana to Las Vegas and eventually to Los Angeles. But it was even better in Wyoming. At 9,584 feet at the summit of Togwotee Pass, the Continental Divide in Wyoming seemed more majestic than it did at 7,228 feet in New Mexico.
When I finally crossed the state line in Idaho, I began to appreciate a state I had never before given any thought. It was quaint and very green with hills and winding roads.
In Idaho Falls, my daughter saw a gosling trapped in between rocks in a shallow pond next to the man-made falls on the Snake River. We observed him for a while before we relocated him to a rock near the water where he wouldn't be stuck. We also ate at an amazing sushi place called Blue Hashi, and I swear it was the best sushi I have ever had. We then traveled to a nearby town called Rigby where we went to Squealer's Fun Park and rode gokarts. We spent our final hours on Saturday at Leo's Place. Luna played in the children's area. I drank Moose Drool and played Dance Dance Revolution until I was spent.
The next day we made the trip back to Thermopolis, enjoying it just as much if not more than when we first made the journey. This time we made more stops to get out and breathe in the atmosphere.
I always find it impossible to comprehend all of the beauty I encounter since moving West and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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