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Travel and Tourism finances

Tuesday at the meeting of Hot Springs Travel and Tourism, Director Amanda Moeller said the finances are looking good. She is working with the Office of Tourism to determine if cooperatives will be billed for this fiscal year or the next one, to determine if adjustments need to be made.

Regarding lodging tax receipts, Moeller pointed out the receipts are currently 11 percent higher from the previous fiscal year, when settlement monies from online booking agencies are not factored in, and four percent higher if the settlement is included. Receipts are above average, she pointed out, but she did not know how much of that is the result of online booking.

Moeller also noted the billboard in Waltman is up, and very noticeable.

Regarding the recently formed Political Action Committee (PAC) for the lodging tax, Moeller explained the Chamber of Commerce is not acting as the PAC, but Greg Willson and Philip Scheel are co-chairing it.

The Commissioners approved a renewal of the lodging tax on the ballot, Moeller noted, and work will be done to inform the community about the tax. Kevin Skates emphasized board members, and Moeller as a contract consultant, could not participate and lobby, but they can provide information.

As for the budget, Moeller pointed out the numbers are correct, explaining there are items that provide examples of what monies would be used for, not what is actually budgeted.

In new business, Moeller said the tour app has been launched, and is available for free download on mobile devices. She is working to get sticky decals for businesses that will have the app logo and promote downloading it. She expects them in the next 10 days.

Regarding a post FAM - short for familiarization - tour, Moeller said there was excellent feedback. She explained international tour groups come on such tours to see what locations they want to include. The recent tour included presentations on Hot Springs State Park and Legend Rock from Skates, tours of the park, bath house, swinging bridge, buffalo pasture, Merlin's Hide Out, Wyoming Whiskey, Hot Springs County Museum, the Dinosaur Center and the Safari Club.

Moeller said there were people from The Netherlands, Germany, France and Italy on the tour. One person Moeller took to the airport specialized in Asian tourism and she plans to include Thermopolis on her plans.

The in-language video shoot for Thermopolis is scheduled for June 7, Moeller said. The video, which will be in German, will include whitewater rafting and fishing, Hot Springs State Park and the Dinosaur Center.

As for current advertising, Moeller said they are using "dino-opolis" for the spring, and advertising has been secured in Billings, Worland and Cody visitor's guides, as well as Big Horn to the Black Hills.

Skates said he has been trying to work on something for the 100 years celebration of the swinging bridge. Plans are in place to light the bridge, but that would mean having the ceremony late at night. It was suggested the lighting ceremony be July 4, as people would already be out to see the fireworks, and that is the current plan. Skates has checked with the fire department to allow time before the fireworks to showcase the lighting.


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