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County board positions open

The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners is asking Hot Springs County residents to apply to serve on several Hot Springs County Boards and Committees.

The Hospital Board is seeking two members to serve five-year terms. The Library Board is seeking two members to serve three-year terms. The Museum Board is seeking two members to serve three-year terms. These positions will begin July 1.

One member is needed for the Weed & Pest Director for District 1 for an unexpired term to expire Dec. 31, 2016. Prior to appointment, the nominee for Director shall submit a petition, available from the Weed & Pest Office, signed by at least ten landowners to the Office of County Commissioners no later than 5 p.m. June 3.

Residents of Hot Springs County interested in applying to serve on a Board or position should submit their County Board Questionnaire, available on the County website at or at the County Clerk's office, to the Hot Springs County Clerk's Office no later than 5 p.m. June 3.

All applications will be considered and appointments will be made at the Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting on June 7.


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