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Participation in county caucus and convention is important

Why Cruz got 14 delegates and Trump got zero.

The answer is real simple, because Ted Cruz people participated in the process and Trump people did not. The caucus and convention system is not hidden from the people in Wyoming It started when republicans elected committee people in the last republican primary. My wife Toni and I were elected committee man and woman in Hot Springs County precinct #2. Our precinct caucus was February 27 and was advertised well in advance by law. Due to low attendance, we were short a few delegates to the HSC convention. Trump could have had some delegates if his people would have came to the caucus. By the way, my wife and I were not bought and paid for by Cruz in anyway. We participated in the process all the way to the state convention and our process is fair and honest.

Wyoming's political system is fair and allows anyone who wishes to participate the chance to do so. The Hot Springs County Republican Party meets the third Monday of the month in the county annex building. Our next meeting is May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Please come and participate.


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