La Leche League of the Big Horn Basin meets at 10 a.m. on the last Saturday of each month at the Hot Springs County Library.
La Leche League Leader Heather Olsen said the group is open to anyone in the community.
"It's a free support group so anyone in the community can attend - breastfeeding moms, husbands, support partners," she said. "They are all welcome to attend."
Olsen said the group covers a large amount of information.
"We talk about pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth, when to introduce your child to solids, sleep, nutrition for the family," she said. "At a typical meeting, we introduce ourselves and talk about the history of the La Leche League. Then moms can go around and talk or ask questions. We just support each other and offer advice on what worked for us."
The group is important because it offers moms current and correct information on breastfeeding, Olsen said.
"When I was a new mom, there weren't any groups that helped or supported breastfeeding," she said. "There was a lot of misinformation out there about breastfeeding - things like how often to feed your baby or how to tell that they're full or how to recognize hunger cues. I was lost. I think it's important for those moms that do want to breastfeed to have the correct information."
Olsen said she has been impressed with the support the group has received.
"It's really awesome that there are a group of women who can support each other and help each other reach their goals - whatever they are," Olsen said. "We talk about everything - from pumping breast milk when moms go back to work to breastfeeding in public."
Olsen also said moms who cannot attend meetings can direct message the group via their Facebook page at Fliers and pamphlets are also available at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital and Red Rock Family Practice. Individuals with questions about breastfeeding can also call an accredited La Leche League Leader at 307-213-9724.
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