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Federal land should stay as is

I would like to bring up a couple things about the upcoming election. First, I have seen and heard all the plans about "getting our land back from the feds." This is one of the worst things that could happen to our great state. It wouldn't be long, the state would need some money, (they ALWAYS need money) and there would be someone with deep pockets standing on the doorstep, waiting to buy "just a little bit." The trouble with that is, all the individual needs to do is purchase the access point, or road leading in, and there goes your chance to hike/drive/ride, take your pick, into your favorite spot.

This might start small, but soon, we, as the public wanting to access these points, would not be able to. All the old roads leading through the sagebrush, all the trails leading into the National Forrest, all of these would no longer be available to us. Almost any one of us living in this town can point to at least one example of this already taking place. Now just imagine if the whole state were like this. As soon as you pull off of a paved highway, as soon as you pull off a county road, you would be trespassing. Is that really what we want? I don't, and I'm sure many more of you do not as well. So, please folks, think before you vote in this very important upcoming election.

 Secondly, almost everyone I have spoken to, or speak to, say they will vote for a certain candidate for president. So why, pray tell me, are all 14 delegates pledged to a completely different candidate? It makes absolutely no sense. I was never asked for my opinion, and I'm sure almost all of you weren't either. Thank you for letting me voice my opinion.


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