SafeWise released its “5 Safest Cities in Wyoming” on April 4, and Thermopolis was ranked number 1.
To compile the report, SafeWise analysts consider the most recent FBI crime data from 2014 to rank the cities, which all have a minimum population of 3,000.
Additionally, cities that fail to submit a complete crime report to the FBI are eliminated from the analysis.
SafeWise then looks at the remaining cities and narrows the selection down based on number of reported violent crimes — aggravated assault, murder, rape and robbery — and property crimes — burglary, arson, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft — in each city.
To further level the field, they calculate the likelihood of these crimes occurring out of 1,000 people in each city.
For Thermopolis, the number of Violent Crimes per 1,000 is 0.33, and the number of Property Crimes per 1,000 is 7.22. The other four cities are:
Worland — Violent Crimes per 1,000 is 0.55; Property Crimes per 1,000 is 9.91
Green River — Violent Crimes per 1,000 is 2.41; Property Crimes per 1,000 is 12.62
Torrington — Violent Crimes per 1,000 is 3.07; Property Crimes per 1,000 is 15.64
Cody — Violent Crimes per 1,000 is 1.51; Property Crimes per 1,000 is 18.98
Police Chief Steve Shay said it’s nice to be recognized as a safe city.
The recognition is not something he personally sought, but rather it was bestowed on the town by SafeWise after their analysis.
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