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Budget crisis at county library

The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners were asked for funds to cover budget shortfalls at Hot Springs County Library because of budgeting mistakes.

Library director Tracey Kinnaman said she was having trouble with her budget. She believed the amount she used for the 2015-16 fiscal year was prepared with incorrect numbers.

The library's total budget should have been $264,146, Chairman Brad Basse said. He said the reserve amount of $20,000 should have been used as a line item in the budget in order to not overspend.

"Ignore the reserve," Basse said. "As long as you spend within the line items, it should be fine. You've overspent."

Kinnaman asked if the board expected her to cut $20,000 between now and July.

"Our expectation is that all of these line items and the reserve equal $264,146," Basse said.

Kinnaman said she needed an advance on her levy money in order to deal with the budget crisis.

There is no money in the bank and no cash flow, Kinnaman said. She also said she increased one position to full-time with benefits and raised her own salary. She did not say how much this costed.

Basse said no entity in the county got raises or any added positions.

"There was a disconnect somewhere because we weren't aware of the issue or the changes or additions to the staff," he said.

Chairman John Lumley said he did not understand what happened because the library's budget did not match their budget formula.

"She spent her reserve," Basse said. "I don't know what to tell you to do."

Kinnaman said she had only $1,000 in the bank right now.

Basse said he did not have a problem with advancing money, but that he did not know how the overspending of the budget could be fixed. Lumley suggested the board might be able to give the library a loan.

"Several things are working against us," Basse said. "We could safely advance $20,000, but then you [Kinnaman] would have to make really tough decisions."

The board decided to table the discussion before making any decisions until a special meeting on April 12. The meeting will also cover the hospital ballot for a special district and a special use tax.

Chief of police Steve Shay discussed the need for cleanup and rewiring of the city dispatch.

"There are a few things we're going to do to the dispatch," he said. "We want to re-cable the dispatch center because there is no cable discipline and it's very dangerous. Some of the wiring is no longer needed or it is redundant. The center, itself, is really dirty. It needs a good, deep cleaning including the ceiling tiles that are saturated with dirt and nicotine from the era when employees still smoked in the office. We would also like a new layer of paint."

Shay said he wants to provide a clean, safe work environment for his employees. He said estimates for the cleanup and rewiring are approximately $10,000.

"We want something that not only is clean now, but something we can maintain," Shay said.

Shay explained that in the past Homeland Security had been picking up the maintenance and they no longer do that, so now they need help funding the projects.

Basse suggested that he would like to figure out a way to use what's left of the Consensus Program grant money.

"There may be a way for us to pay for it all out of that," Basse said.

Hot Springs County Road and Bridge supervisor Dave Schlager informed the board of recent activity including work on a guard rail, sink hole and they have begun installing new speed limit signs.

The board approved RT Communications Utility License Applications for both 220 Lane 3 and 895 Skelton Road. They also discussed the Canyon Concrete Materials Agreement.

Shlager said the agreement is asking for approval for him to sign it or scratch his name and get a board member to sign. He said it would take approximately 10 tons of concrete to complete the project.

Basse approved a motion to sign and give funds at $1.69 per ton.

The board also approved a request for a mosquito mill levy for Hot Springs County Weed & Pest. Funding will help insect control and run an effective program.


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