Your source for news in Hot Springs County

On The Record March 10, 2016

On the Record policy

It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Fire calls

Monday, March 7

9:34 a.m. Structure fire at 1340 Canyon Hills

Sheriff’s department

 Monday, Feb. 29

10:47 p.m. Skyler McClure was arrested and charged with alleged possession with intent to deliver.

Tuesday, March 1

2:03 p.m. Report of a possible sale of drugs. There was nothing substantial to report.

2:27 p.m. The deputy made a traffic stop, and the driver was cited for driving under suspension and no insurance.

4:37 p.m. A report of sheep on the road at milepost 129 Highway 20 South. The animals were put away by the deputy.

5:18 p.m. A welfare check was performed, and it was determined the person is currently out of state.

7:18 p.m. A warrant out of Natrona County was executed on Skyler McClure, for probation revocation.

8:32 p.m. A missing dog was reported. The animal was later found and returned to the owner.

Wednesday, March 2

10:28 p.m. Deputy responded to a report of driving under the influence. Danielle M. Houchin was arrested for alleged driving under the influence and open container.

Friday, March 4

2:14 p.m. Report of a man who fell several times. The subject reported he lost his balance and fell. No arrests were made.

8:50 p.m. Report of a traffic offense. The suspect vehicle was found, observed and followed, with no infractions seen that would require a stop.

Saturday, March 5

1:03 p.m. A report of goats on the highway. The animals were unable to be located.

Sunday, March 6

1:41 p.m. A deputy helped a cattle crossing on the highway.

Police department

Wednesday, March 2

5:38 p.m. An officer was dispatched to a school in reference to a subject acting unnatural. The person left, but was later contacted at the individual’s residence and reported everything was okay.

Thursday, March 3

9:19 a.m. A pit bull was reported on the loose. The owner was able to collect the animal.

6:58 p.m. A canine showed up at the reporting party’s residence, and the party took the animal home to its owner.

Friday, March 4

12:05 p.m. An officer was dispatched to a report of a dog near the elementary school. Upon arrival, reporting party and two children had the dog on a leash. The dog was later transported to impound.

3:36 p.m. Report of a vehicle driving erratically. Upon responding to the area, officer could not locate the vehicle, last seen westbound at 6th and Broadway.

7:40 p.m. Domestic dispute between two individuals. A female subject, who planned to leave the state, claimed a male subject had her phone and credit cards. There were no injuries, and the parties separated.

10 p.m. Officers responded to a rear side window being broken out of a truck. It was advised two patrons had gotten into an argument earlier, and it was not known whether the broken window was a repercussion of the argument.

Saturday, March 5

4:26 a.m. Report of people in a motel hot tub being noisy. The clerk received the complaint but did not see an issue. The clerk asked people to keep down the noise, as did the responding officer.

8:05 a.m. Report of a large tan and white pit bull in East Thermopolis. An officer attempted to capture the dog, which was elusive. An address for the animal was found and forwarded to animal control.

5:21 p.m. Report of two individuals not getting along in the 900 block of Shoshoni. An officer was requested to come and make sure nothing happened.

5:40 p.m. Report of a missing female boxer, small and thin with a yellow collar. The dog was not found, but officers will continue to look.

8:17 p.m. Report of a large dog that chased a couple teenage girls. Officer was unable to locate the dog.

8:32 p.m. Report of a dog barking for two hours. Officers contacted the owner, who were out of town but agreed to call someone to put the dog in the house. The owner was issued a citation for a barking dog.

8:53 p.m. Report of a silver car that ran over a speed limit sign near Fremont and C Street, then continued south. Officers were able to bend the sign back up.

10 p.m. Report of patrons refusing to leave. Responding officers spoke to four females, two of which were very intoxicated. All subject returned to their hotel.

11:25 p.m. Officers responded to a report of a barking dog. Upon arrival, officers located two barking dogs. Though nobody was at home, a citation was eventually issued to the animals’ owner.

Sunday, March 6

12:36 a.m. Report of intoxicated subjects in a hotel hot tub. The responding officer contacted four couples, who were told of patron complaints and the hot tub being closed. Subjects returned to their rooms.

1:40 a.m. Complaint of people in a motel room being too loud. Three women and two men were found, and notified of the complaint. Alcohol was involved, and the subjects agreed to keep the noise down.

2:09 a.m. Report of dogs barking. Officer contacted the owner, who agreed to put the dogs in the house. The owner was cited for the barking dogs, and warned to get the animals licensed.

9:41 a.m. Report of nuisance apartments due to the amount of animal waste buildup. An officer contacted the owner, who said the problem would be taken care of.

10:08 p.m. Caller reported hearing someone on the back steps of the building where the caller lives. Responding officers were unable to find anyone, or indication of anyone.

Monday, March 7

1:53 p.m. Complaint of a nuisance property that is overgrown and could be a fire hazard. Contact was attempted, with a message left and a letter sent to the owner.

5:48 p.m. Request for a civil stand-by. Officer contacted a party, who reported the second party had left.

Highway patrol

Sunday, March 6

9:58 p.m. A Wyoming Highway Patrol officer stopped the driver of a vehicle on U.S. Highway 20 in Thermopolis (Sixth Street). Daniel Abbott was arrested for alleged driving under the influence, no insurance and no turn signal. Abbott failed field sobriety tests and a Breathalyzer which indicated he was a .16. A call came into dispatch around the same time of the stop reporting Abbott as a REDDI.

Circuit court

Justin Bleak was found guilty of first-offense domestic battery, and sentenced to 180 days in jail, with 178 suspended and six months supervised probation. Fines and fees are $190.


Jackson Robert Morris was born on February 19, 2016 at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital to Jessica and Aaron Morris of Thermopolis.

Grandparents are Piera and the late Morrie Nesmith and Chuck and Anna Morris, all of Thermopolis and Denise Eads of Phoenix, Ariz.

Great-grandparents are Iris and Pete Cavalli of Thermopolis.


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