The 2016 Hot Springs County Republican Convention will be held Saturday, March 12 at the county annex building beginning at 9 a.m.
Delegates for the Republican State and National conventions will be named and the county’s Republican candidate for president will be selected.
Two delegates will be selected to attend the state convention and five alternates. Three others from Hot Springs County will attend including party chairman (Chuck Carver), state committeeman (Jim Collins) and state committeewoman (Toni Casciato).
According to Hot Springs County Republican Party chairman Chuck Carver, Wyoming has 29 delegates to the national convention; about half are elected on the county level at local conventions.
Counties throughout Wyoming are paired up. HSC is paired up with Washakie County. Counties alternate sending delegates on the presidential election years. This year we selected delegates while Washakie County selects alternates.
The remaining delegates will be elected during the Republican State Convention April 14-16 in Casper.
The Republican Caucus was held Feb. 27 at which time each precinct selected delegates to send to the county convention. Committees also go over polices and platforms during the caucus. Suggested changes will be voted on Saturday at the county convention.
If you have any questions, email them to You can also send the party your email address to be added to their mailing list and receive regular updates on the HSC Republican Party.
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