River of Life will host a fundraiser March 12 from 5-8 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Fair Building for Central Wyoming Tree Service Founder Ken Averill. Ken’s wife Mary said her husband traveled to the Hunstman Hospital in Salt Lake City to undergo his second round of chemotherapy and radiation. He has undergone a total six hours of treatment.
Ken has stage 4 head and neck cancer, Mary said, and has undergone surgeries last March and October, and an emergency procedure around Christmas. The operations were not only to remove tumors, but also rebuild Ken’s upper and back palate. He has also had to re-learn how to swallow and speak, but Mary said his prognosis is good.
The fundraiser will include an Indian taco dinner at $8 per plate or $30 per family. Cookie jars will be up for auction as well, and there will be coloring and costume contests. Proceeds will go to offset outstanding medical expenses.
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