The Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Board of Directors agreed to change the start times for school for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year at their February meeting.
Monday through Thursday, Ralph Witters Elementary (RWE) and Thermopolis Middle School (TMS) will begin classes at 8:30 a.m. The high school will
convene at 8:20 a.m.
Release time, Monday through Thursday for RWE will be at 3:50, TMS will let out at 3:45 and the high school will end their day at 4 p.m.
The schedule changes a bit on Fridays, with the same start times, however, RWE will dismiss at 12:35 with TMS and the high school dismissing at 12:30.
The time changes are to allow for vertical as well as horizontal collaboration between the three schools and the teachers.
The board tabled a vote on the staff laptop stipend, requesting further review.
Currently, some staff receive a stipend for cell phone use and the board wanted to ensure the laptop stipend is thoroughly reviewed, including frequency of the stipend as well as the dollar amount, before voting.
Three key contracts for the upcoming year were approved by the board after returning from a 90-minute executive session.
Scott Shoop will be retained as high school principal, Breez Daniels will continue as middle school principal and Jim Lash will remain in his position as special services director.
The school calendar for the 2017-2018 year was sent back to committee for further discussion.
The question revolves around making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a vacation day while Veterans Day is not listed as a vacation day. The recommendation was originally made by the calendar committee, based on the request of the students.
The board discussed holding a ceremony similar to the Veterans Day ceremony for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in order to make sure all cultures are honored. They questioned whether they are forcing students to observe the way the board wants them to rather than the way the students wish.
More information will be gathered regarding holding an extended assembly for student education and community involvement rather than dismissing classes for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
A new bus is on the horizon for the district as the board approved replacing a 2002 Blue Bird All American 77-passenger bus with a new, 2017 Blue Bird All American 44-passenger activity bus for the coming year.
Purchase price of the new bus will be $181,480, which will be purchased through a five-year lease agreement.
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