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Town renews several liquor licenses

The Thermopolis Town Council worked through their Tuesday meeting with an expedited precision, taking care of business in a short amount of time. Some issues addressed were the renewal of liquor licenses to the local retailers and restaurants, several catering permits and putting old equipment back up for bid.

Several of the local restaurateurs were present to witness the renewal of the town’s many liquor licenses. Mayor Mike Mortimore moved the meeting to a public hearing and opened the floor up to the public for comments or reasons not to renew the licenses. With no comments from the public and no concerns from the council the licenses were renewed and the public hearing was closed.

Justina Hensley for Mac’s Bar and Sam Zupan were present for catering permits. Hensley request was to cater the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet and Zupan's was for An Irish Evening With Spencer, a fundraiser event Zupan is working to help the Spencer Luce family. Town attorney Mike Messenger requested good non-alcoholic beer be present at the events.

Councilman Tony Larson made a motion to put several pieces of town equipment back up for a silent auction. Two of the vehicles were not sold in the last silent auction in December due to the bids being to low. Larson said there was no need to hold on to them if the town cannot use them any further. The council voted to sell the vehicles with a starting bid of $750 this time.

Town of Thermopolis Clerk and Treasurer Tracey Van Heule requested a new account for health insurance. The current insurance is paid out with out going through the Town. Van Heule said this made her uncomfortable.


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