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Dispatch kept busy in 2015

Hot Springs County’s first responders were very active last year responding to a multitude of calls. The following information was gained from the Law Enforcement Center and breaks down dispatch calls for 2015.

The county brand inspector responded to eight livestock calls. Wyoming Game and Fish officials had 48 wildlife calls. Government trappers responded to four wildlife calls.

The Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office found three abandoned vehicles, did 29 agency assists, responded to two aircraft incidents and seven alarm calls. They also responded to one alcohol offense, 44 animal problems, two assaults, one attempt to locate and six burglary calls. They performed 95 citizen assists, responded to seven citizen disputes and five court violations. They had two custodial int. calls, four dead bodies reported and delivered two messages.

Sheriff’s office personnel responded to two disasters, ten reports of drugs, eight driving under the influence and six emergency calls. They had four emergency detentions, eight escorts and five requests for extra patrol.

Deputies responded to 10 family fights, six fires and three reports of fireworks. There were 11 cases of found property and 26 reports of fraud.

The sheriff’s office issued 72 gun permits in 2015.

Deputies responded to six calls reporting harassment, two involving hazard materials and one case of identity theft. They also had 13 calls about information, one problem with an inmate, two intoxication reports and four juvenile problems.

Sheriff’s office personnel responded to 68 livestock calls, 10 reports of lost property, six medical reports, two missing persons and one complaint of noise. They had three non-sufficient fund checks reported and three reports of parking problems.

Deputies responded to 43 personal damage accidents and three personal injury accidents. The sheriff’s office did 71 prisoner transports, responded to four probation violation, and three reports of property damage.

The sheriff’s office had 39 report every drunk driver immediately (REDDI) reports, two reports of runaway juveniles, three search and rescue calls, two reports of suicide attempts, 56 calls of suspicious activities, 21 reports of theft, one theft of an automobile, 31 traffic hazards and 55 traffic offenses. They also had 16 cases of trespassing, two reports of unsecure premises, one urine test and seven cases of vandalism.

The sheriff’s office performed 410 vehicle identification number inspections, had two reports of wanted person and 26 warrants for arrest. They also had two weapon offenses, 22 welfare checks and 12 wildlife calls. The sheriff’s office responded to a total of 1,342 incidents last year.

The Hot Springs County Emergency Management had one citizen assist and one disaster response.

Hot Springs State Park personnel responded to one citizen dispute, one juvenile problem, one traffic offense and one wildlife call.

Mortimore Ambulance Service responded to 292 medical calls, three dead bodies and one suicide attempt.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad had one traffic hazard.

The Thermopolis Fire Department responded to 52 fire calls, one agency assist, three alarms, one citizen assist, two hazmat, five medical calls and two utility problems. The fire department had a total of 65 incidents in the previous year.

The Town of Thermopolis had three reports of animal problems, three citizen assists, two traffic hazards, 11 utility problems and nine wildlife calls. The town had a total of 28 calls for the year.

The Thermopolis Police Department had 27 reports of abandoned vehicles, performed 56 agency assists, responded to 46 alarm calls and one alcohol offense. Officers handled 546 animal problems, 15 assaults, two attempt to locate and eight burglary cases. They also responded to one report of child abuse, officers performed 235 citizen assists and responded to 33 citizen disputes.

The police department had 18 reports of court violations, six custodial interference calls, seven dead bodies, eight delivered messages, two reports of disturbances and four domestic calls. They also had 18 reports of drugs, three driving under the influence, nine emergency calls, the department gave out emergency funds 22 times and provided 14 escorts.

Policed department officers provided 35 extra patrols, responded to 40 family fights, two fatal accidents and five fire calls. The department received 15 calls about fireworks, four calls about forgery, 24 reports of found property, 35 reports of fraud, one report for hazmat and two reports of identity theft. They had 55 information reports, 10 reports of intoxicated individuals, 21 juvenile problems, seven K-9 call outs, 14 livestock, two for loitering and 34 calls for lost property.

Officers also had 16 calls for medical, two minors in possession, 13 missing person reports and 40 noise calls. The department had 55 incidents for nuisances, 36 parking problems, 100 personal damage accidents and six personal injury accidents.

The police department had eight reports of probation violations, 17 reports of property damage, 36 REDDI reports, four repossessions, two runaway juveniles, one search warrant, seven sex offense reports, three stalking reports, one suicide and one suicide attempt.

The department had 161 reports for suspicious activities, 60 reports of theft, eight for theft of an automobile, 26 reports of threatening and one for a tobacco problem. They also had 59 traffic offenses, 46 reports of trespassing, 11 unsecured premise, four utility problems, one report of vagrancy, 36 reports of vandalism and one for vehicle theft. The department had 14 reports for wanted persons, 31 warrants for arrest, four weapons offense reports, performed 96 welfare checks and had 20 wildlife calls.

The Wyoming Highway Patrol had two abandoned vehicles, one agency assist, two animal problems, two attempt to locate, seven citizen assists, two fatal accidents, one report of an intoxicated person and 21 livestock calls. The Highway Patrol also responded to 22 personal damage accidents, seven personal injury accident, 12 REDDI reports, three suspicious incidents, 12 traffic hazards, 11 traffic offenses, three reports for wanted persons, one warrant arrest, one welfare check and six wildlife calls.

Between all the separate agencies the combined incidents for 2015 added up to 4,328 total.


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