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Team branding season winners

The Durbin Creek Ranch Team Branding event wrapped up their season Feb. 6 at the fairgrounds. With several local teams participating, the winner rode off into the sunset with a new belt buckle.

The event consists of a three-person team attempting to rope a calf to be branded.

One team member ropes the head while another heals the calf, the remaining team member dismounts and brands the calf with a branding iron dipped in paint.

The branding event will start up again in November. Families with children are encouraged to participate to take their turn in the arena.

February team branding results (in order of finish) include:


Tom Frank, Justin Gibson and Forrest Whiteman; Forrest Whiteman, Justin Gibson and Ron Frank; Tom Frank, Ron Frank and Jake Agar


Jimmy Caines, Tom Frank and Justin Gibson; Kaden Lungren, Taylor Cordingly and Forrest Whiteman; Mat Cordingly, Tom Frank and Tyler Measles.

Year End Buckle Winners

Pick-Mat Cordingly, Draw-Tom Frank


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