After a short public hearing at the Feb. 2 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, the commissioners voted to submit a Site Specific Feasibility Study Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application in the amount of $15,000 to the Wyoming Business Council. A match of $5,000 will be provided by Hot Springs County.
The purpose of the feasibility study is to determine the re-development options for the former Hot Springs County Airport. The study will explore options including benefit for low or moderate income families, increased recreation area, increased business expansion and other community growth options.
Youth Alternatives director Barb Rice reported there are currently twelve participants in the program. She updated the commissioners on the surveillance camera audio/video system saying it has been installed, but is not yet being monitored by dispatch in the Law Enforcement Center. Commissioner Brad Basse will work the Chief of Police Steve Shay and the county’s IT person to move forward in allowing for monitoring by dispatch.
Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon presented the commissioners with a resolution designating the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the basis for all incident management in Hot Springs County. The resolution was approved in 2004, but due to a change in procedure at the state level, Gordon asked to have it passed as a resolution and signed by the commissioners. A motion was made and carried to do so.
Gordon also discussed a letter he was drafting to the Office of Homeland Security (OHS) to serve as notice of the county’s interest in participating in a regional mitigation planning effort. The state has divided Wyoming into five regions and agreed to fund FEMA-approved mitigation plans for each region. Gordon noted an advantage to having a FEMA-approved plan in place is the resultant eligibility to apply for federal mitigation grant funding should the need arise. The commissioners approved the letter and asked Gordon to serve as the county’s point of contact for the regional mitigation planning process.
The commissioners were updated on the county jail visitation area. The majority of the work for the refurbishment of the area has been completed. Acoustic panels have arrived and are ready for installation. The unisex bathroom is complete.
Dustin Spomer of GDA Engineers spoke with the commissioners regarding the finalizing of a few matters at the new Hot Springs County Airport. Commissioners are working to resolve a plan review issue regarding the hangars at the new airport before a date will be set for the closure of the old airport.
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