Anticipating ignorance surrounding Quentin Tarantino, I printed out an article from perhaps the most conservative source available, National Review. I did so for those easily pandered to who would inevitably question seeing, “The Hateful Eight”. In it the author correctly points out, “Conservatives ought to support Tarantino — not because they like him or his movies, not because they agree with any of his political positions or because they are anti-police, but because Tarantino did not call policemen murderers.”
The letter in the IR regarding what a, “waste of time,” the movie was is precisely the problem with our society. It requires too much time to actually find out what Tarantino said, let alone meant. It is much speedier being spoon-fed Fox fibs.
Today, everything gets reduced to clichés, as the, “time bandit,” demonstrated in his alphabet soup letter. Perhaps the NAACP has not condemned the movie because, much like our old buddy Mark Twain, they are capable of grasping social satire. Unlike some who struggle to get a grasp on grasping, perhaps ACT UP and GLAAD are simply able to expand their horizons beyond a single scene.
I’ve heard rumors, “those people,” are capable of, gittin’ their gol’ dern minds out of the gutter in order to see the big picture. Maybe they all appreciated watching the drama unfold as the Major used the old grey back’s hatred as a way of goading him into getting himself killed. I know that is what I enjoyed about the scene. Of course, as a true vulgarian my sensibilities ain’t as delicate as some.
I find it hilarious not a single conversation is to be had these days without liberal/conservative, democrat/republican, either/or scenarios being trotted out. As if everything is so easily dumbed down. Whether it be something spewed from the, “home base of the ultra-libs,” (sounds like you have the title of an Oscar contender right there!) or something which creeps out of the cavernous recesses of the conservative brain, neither one of them is going to make me believe a turd burger tastes wonderful because a poop sandwich tastes awful. I guess it really is a matter of taking the time to think for yourself.
Thank you to the movie theater for bringing in “The Hateful Eight”.
Not every movie needs to be safe, mindless fluff. I would much rather see, “The Big Boy,” attached to a piece of art which might lead some people to question who we are rather than some easily forgotten schlock for the, “quick thinkers.”
Finally, for the record and in defense of my other brown and black brothas, Merlin’s Hide Out made the coats. The buffalo made the robes and generously donated them for the cause.
Russ Ferree
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