I am interested in instating a law for helmet use when riding recreational vehicles.
I’m currently staying in Thermopolis with family. I had a very bad off-road accident in August that could have killed me. I was on a 4-wheeler, not wearing a helmet, flipped it, rolled it and I landed 30 feet away in a grove of trees. I sustained massive injuries, broke several bones, collapsed a lung, and have what is called a diffuse axonal injury (aka shaken baby syndrome.) I am 38 years old.
I cannot walk, talk and comprehend the same as I did before the accident. If wearing helmets were required, I may not have sustained the head damage I have now. Living with a brain injury is like having a whole new life. I’m not the same person I was. It is just that way.
Please help me instate a mandatory helmet law on ALL recreational vehicles. Thank you.
Shauna Farmer
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