On the Record policy
It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police calls” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Fire department
Monday, Dec. 21
4:26 p.m. Responded to a controlled burn at 842 Highway 20.
Sheriff’s department
Tuesday, Dec. 15
8:56 a.m. A white Ford truck was found lying on its side in the Buffalo Pasture on East Arapahoe Street. After several attempts to find the driver, the driver was contacted and determined to be all right.
Thursday, Dec. 17
4:46 p.m. A vehicle from Big Horn Water was involved in an accident earlier in the day and the driver needed a wreck report filed. The vehicle had become stuck in a driveway in the area of East Sunnyside Lane. When a resident attempted to pull the vehicle out, the vehicle slid off the driveway and through a neighbor’s fence.
Saturday, Dec. 19
12:25 a.m. A call from Rocky Mountain Power reporting that a power pole located in the area of Lane 12 had been struck by a vehicle resulting in loss of power to many residents. The vehicle was no longer in the area. The responding deputy gathered the broken pieces from the vehicle that struck the pole. The vehicle was traced back to a local repair shop and identified. The owner was contacted and reminded that all accidents need to be reported. The driver was not cited.
Police department
Tuesday, Dec. 15
2:48 p.m. A report that a male dressed in blue had thrown a piece of ice at a local resident’s dog. The responding officer was unable to locate the male.
6:07 p.m. Several semi trucks had trouble making it up and over Hospital Hill resulting in a bottleneck. The officer was assisting in traffic control until the trucks were cleared.
8:06 p.m. A semi truck with a trailer struck a lamppost and drug the Christmas decorations at the Family Dollar. The officer finally caught up to the driver and cited them for leaving the scene.
Wednesday, Dec. 16
8:12 a.m. A collision of two vehicles in the high school parking lot. A state accident report was filed.
2:12 p.m. The town shop requested extra patrol on Amoretti Street to prevent drivers from crossing the snow burm and scattering the snow.
5:42 p.m. A family fight between a brother and sister in the 600 block of Amoretti Street was reported to DFS. There was not any physical contact.
9:27 p.m. A report that some one had backed into the gas meter in the ally in the 200 block of Fremont Street resulting in a gas leak. The gas company was contacted and repaired the meter.
Thursday, Dec. 17
5:48 a.m. A female resident reported someone was prowling around her home. The responding officer found no evidence of anyone in the area.
10:28 a.m. Thermopolis Middle School staff requested a parent and child be served with a notice of trespass.
11:03 a.m. An officer responded to a person on an adult size tricycle who was holding up traffic due to inability to maneuver in the snow. The officer found the individual and suggested there may be a better way to get around in the snow.
4:02 p.m. Officer provided a civil standby in the 100 block of Broadway.
4:41 p.m. Report of two juveniles in altercation at the middle school. The staff was able to manage the situation.
Friday, Dec. 18
1:10 p.m. A hit and run in the area of Susan Kay Street resulting in the damage of the driver’s side of a parked car. A state accident report was filed.
4:43 p.m. A report that a ladder rented from a hardware store in Worland was located in Thermopolis. The reporting party was told this is a civil matter.
Saturday, Dec. 19
11:16 p.m. Officer responded to a male and female arguing,.Arriving on the scene the officer noticed the female was in emotional distress and took her to the hospital for evaluation. The female was later released.
Sunday, Dec. 20
10:17 p.m. Officer responded to a couple arguing. The female had left the residence and locked herself in a car. The male concerned that it was cold and she would freeze asked her to come back inside. The woman refused until the male apologized. After some discussion with the officer the male apologized and the woman returned to the residence.
Monday, Dec. 21
10:36 a.m. Report of a lost wallet. The reporting party later called back and said they found it.
11:37 a.m. Warrant arrest of Duard Eugene Cable, 41, for failure to pay child support.
12:28 p.m. Warrant arrest of Keith Bapst, 45, for probation violation.
1:49 p.m. Report of a fraudulent call from someone claiming to be with the local gas company, saying the party was behind on their gas bill and needed to pay $500 immediately to prevent loss of service using the Blue Cash Express at the local grocery store to send the money.
4:29 p.m. Report of a dark truck driving dangerously in the area of 1500 block of Fremont Street.
Quitclaim Deed
John D. Dodge, Jr. and William J. Metzger to Lisa Ann Dodge Lots 9 and 10 Block 55 Ryan’s Addition to the Town Of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Warranty Deeds
Jennifer D. Harvey to Kenneth M. Harvey and Vivian E. Butchart Lots 6,7,and 9 and SE1/4NW1/4 of Section 8, Township 43 North, Range 94 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
G. Elaine Chapel to Kenneth D. Chapel Lot 14, in Block 1, of the Realing addition to the Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Robert James Pebbles. Bart Dean Pebbles, Joanne Kay Grasmick and Cheryl Ann Shero to Grant A. Basko Lot 9, Block 3, Cedar Ridge Subdivision, First Filing, in the Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Thomas D. Shanor and Ellen K. Shanor to David A. Jones and Alice R. Jones South half of the Southeast Quarter (S1/4SE1/4), Section 21, and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4SW1/4), section 22, Township 44 North, Range 94 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
David G. Haworth and Alison Barkley to Sue Ellen Zigliotto Lots 1 and 2 and the East half of Lot 3, Block 40 of the Original Townsite to the Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Auto & RV Specialties, Inc. to Dennis G. Leonhardt and Eacel R. Leonhardt Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Original Townsites to Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
Gloria Jean Borner to Cheryl Stewart the South 69 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 43, Original Townsite to the Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming.
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