For all Hot Springs County residents wishing to give back to their community while helping to shape the future, a number of board positions are vacant and are accepting applications.
Five crucial Hot Springs County boards have positions available to interested community members.
The Fair Board has one vacancy which is a five-year term.
The Natural Resources Planning Committee has five positions available, each serving a three-year term.
Weed and Pest has three positions open, each serving four-year terms.
The Big Horn Basin Nature and Discovery Joint Powers Board has one vacancy for a three-year term.
The Predatory Animal Control Board is the final board with a vacancy. The one available position will serve a three-year term, and the applicant must be a Sportsman member.
A Sportsman member is a board representative that is not engaged in raising sheep, goats or cattle.
The applicant must also hold or have held a valid Wyoming fishing or hunting license or a Wyoming wildlife damage management stamp within the last twelve months.
County residents interested in serving on a board should submit their County Board Questionnaire to the Hot Springs County Clerk’s office no later than 12 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 4, 2016.
The questionnaire can be found on the county’s website,, or picked up at the County Clerk’s office.
Appointments will be made during county commissioners meeting on Jan. 5.
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