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2015 Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

Do your reindeer have big antlers? Your elf is watching me and I am being a good boy! Could you bring me some cows, a cowboy shirt and some things to build with? I will leave some hay on my roof for your reindeer and some cookies-you might be hungry.

Thank you Santa,

Hoyt, age 4

Dear Santa,

Is it cold in the north pole? I would like to go to the north pole. Could I please have a pet reindeer? They have very very big horns. Can I please have a drone but the cost to mutch so don’t get me that. So can I have a super man toy?



Dear Santa,

I would like a snowman for Chirstmas.


Ryker S.

Dear Santa,

I would like a doll for Christmas.


Makenzie S.

Dear Santa,

I would like a unicorn fro Christmas.


Alison I.

Dear Santa,

I would like Barbies for Christmas.


Hailey R.

Dear Santa,

I would like a dinosaur for Christmas.


Olive S.

Dear Santa,

I would like a baby for Christmas.


Maddie W.

Dear Santa,

I would like a candy cane for Christmas.


Adam H.

Dear Santa,

I would like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for Christmas.


Brayden J.

Dear Santa,

I would like a Santa hat for Christmas.


Tristin L.

Dear Santa,

I would like a doll for Christmas.


Brailynn A.

Dear Santa,

A toy nerf gun.

Jarrett C.

Dear Santa,

I would like Imaginex.

Dallon B.

Dear Santa,

A big bed.

Jurni N.

Dear Santa,

I would like a chair for my bike and a rainbow.

Fischer L.

Dear Santa,

I would like a toy rescue bot for Christmas.


Bryzon L.

Dear Santa,

I would like a Star Wars set for Christmas, please.


Oliver B.

Dear Santa,

I would like a new truck for Christmas, please.


Jack T.

Dear Santa,

I would like a laundry room in a house.



Dear Santa,

I would like a microwave with a kitchen please.



Dear Santa,

Will you please bring my dog a bone to chew on? He really wants one.

Will you bring me a tablet pretty please. My dog will watch me play a tablet. I would also like the hair dryer toy I saw at Blairs.

My little brother Bain would like cars or dinosaurs.

And my baby brother would like decorations for his room.

And that’s it. I love you.


Briar Lahoe, age 4

Dear Santa,

My name is Bain.

Can I ride a reindeer? Can I pet him?

I am excited to see you in a few days!

Fly safe Santa.

Love you bye

Bain Lahoe, age 2

P.S. I forgot to tell you I want HULK!

Dear Santa,

Here are some things I want. You can really just get me anything. Love you Santa.

Chia pet, maybe a bunk bed, maybe a trampoline, some graphic novels, if you could maybe a cute flip phone case, cowgirl boots, easy bake, orbeases something spa, maybe some stuffed animals, kids bop CDs I don’t care which one but at least one, a new better CD player, some accessories for the doll you got me last year.



Remember these are just some ideas that you could get me.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa! This is my first Christmas!

My siblings and I are very excited to be spending time together and with out family.

My siblings think I want a hamburger toy.

I could also use new sippy cups.

I can’t wait to meet you in a couple days.

Merry Christmas Santa.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing Santa? How is Mrs. Claus?

I want to get real puppies.

I want to get some clothes for the puppies.

I hope you have puppies at the North Pole. Merry Christmas.

Your Friend,


Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? This year for Christmas I would like a seashell dream catcher. The whole series of Dork Diaries. Last but not least a Robot puppy and a hat for my real puppy rider. We will leave food for the reindeer on the pellet stove and cookies for you to.

Your Friend,

Jolie Anne

Dear Santa,

How is the North Pole? But I think it is going good. Can I get a Star Wars Legos set and an action figure Halo. I hope you have a great Christmas.

Your Friend,

Scott Coale

Dear Santa,

Santa how are the reindeer doing? I want to tell you about my toys. Can I have a fence with a baby reindeer. Can the elves make the gates? Santa can I have an X-Box 360 and 3 remotes so my brother and my sister can play with me. Santa these are the three things for Christmas I want. Have a holly jolly Christmas. How is Mrs. Claus doing.

Your friend,

Benjamin Snyder

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I want a race car game for xbox 360, a robot dog, a lego, chima book, and a NFL Madden foot ball game for wii. Your the best person in the world. I wish you a holly jolly Christmas.

Your friend,

Cody Bomengen

Dear Santa,

Are the reindeer teasing Rudolph? For Christmas I like a robot and a disc for ps3 logo worlds and a disc for ps3 terra tech. last I would like easy bake oven. Are you ok? I hope you have a holly jolly Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

What are you doing? For Christmas may I please have a karate gee? How are the reindeer? Have an awesome Christmas.

Your friend,

Ellis W.

Dear Santa,

How are your rendeer? How is Rudolph doing? This Christmas I would like a warm fuzzy blanket and some earrings. I hope you have a holly jolly Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? Santa I was wondering if I could have a robot puppy? Also I would like a tred mill for Christmas too. Oh an I would like a dog house for my real dog. Also, I would like an Apple Tv for my family.

Your friend,

Alexis Hamlin

Dear Santa,

Santa how are you doing? I’m doing good. For Christmas this year I would like an AJ Green jersey for the Bengals. I would also like a Michael Jordan jersey in black. I hope you have a good Christmas Santa Claus.

Your friend,

Khi Davis

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Have any kids been naughty? For Christmas I would like a Bryer Horse, a chapter book and a stuffed animal. Are the reindeer being good? I hope you have a very good Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How is the North Pole? Is it cold there? I would like, well if you have time, to get me a real live puppy. How are the reindeer? I will leave food for you and your reindeer. I hope I have a whole room full of toys and candy. I want to jump on my mom and dads bed. I hope you have a good time making toys.

Your friend,

Charlee June Slagle

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? This year. I would like some neon yellow shoes. Do you have pets? Have a wonderful Christmas.

Your friend,

Mesa Allen

Dear Santa,

How are you? Do you like eggnog? Santa this year may I have a pekemon card and a toy wooden train? Oh! And by the way would you like to try my grandmas sugar cookies? They’re mega delicious. How are the elves? Marry Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How are you doing Santa? How is Mrs. Claus? I want to get real puppies. I wantto get some clothes for the puppies. Also, I would like a toy for my puppies. I hope you have puppies at the North Pole. Merry Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like lego café, bootsm and kitten posters.


Sydney J.

Dear Santa,

My name is Soren Weber and I want a ninja – red & black. And a ninja suit. I will leave cookies and milk for you.



Dear Santa,

My name is Taylin Birdsley and I want Frozen and a toy.



Dear Santa,

My name is Cameron Martinez. I live with my mom and dad. I want more fur and a motorcycle.

Thanks Santa.


Dear Santa,

My name is Lia Deere and I want a Lego thing for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

My name is Oliver Strenger and I would like a race car, dinosaur and storm trooper. Thank you Santa.



Dear Santa,

My name is Abel Cordingly and I want a horse and football.



Dear Santa,

I am a very good boy. I help my mom clean. I would like an i-pad with a keyboard and a case. Grayson would like a fun toy. He is a good boy.

Thank you.

Schuyler Young, age 8

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. Sometimes I help my mommy when Schuy’s at school. Please and thank you can I have a Power Ranger Dino Morpher with an energem, and please remember a dino spike too.

Grayson, my baby brother, is a little bit good too. Can you bring him something fun please?

Merry Christmas and thank you

Jeremiah Young, age 4

Dear Santa,

How r you? I been bad soree. I wud like a phone.


Bryce Potter

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav ben gud. I wud likea games.

Thank you,

Kyle Dumas

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I wud like a I-pod.

Thank you

Matea Vargas

Dear Santa,

Hou r you? I hav ben nice. I wun like a phone.

Thank you,

Kacey McKay

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I wud like a kindle.

Thank you,

Ariah Vincent

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I wud like a phone.

Thank you,

Conner Emmett

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I wud like a toy car.

Thank you,

Jaxon Womack

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I wud like a games and thank toy.

Isaac Abrams

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been nice. I wud like boots and phone.

Thank you,

Charlie Harris

Dear Santa,

How r you? I have been good. I wud like a Barbie house.

Thank you,

Addison Corbin

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav listened. I wud like a phone.

Thank you,

Skye Griffin

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav ben good, I wud like a kidle.

Thank you,

Mac McCumber

Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav Ben good. I wud like a Barbie.

Thank you,

Isabella Hetzel

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like plado.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a basketball.



Dear Santa,

How r you? I hav been good. I would like a pohne.

Thank you,

Logann Farrell

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like cuoe trap.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like hrs.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a valosraptr.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a cumputr.


Anna Grace

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a chokbord.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a hrs.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Christmas to be nis forevr.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a foot ball



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a basketbal.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a password journal and woce toce.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like rolucostr with cars.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a red Santa.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a gold magic microphone.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a hulk buster.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a fast cars.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a black widow.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like dear hoorsse.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like some ninjgo legos.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a dansing brbe.



Dear Santa,

I would like Ironman.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a purple bike.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a fast train.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like green mashen.


Ashton N.

Dear Santa,

For Chritmas I would like a balerna.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a compurand disc.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a drbe car and daluns.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Kirby dremlnd.


Aiden J.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the presents you brought me last year. This year I want a cooking stove. And a pink and blue brush for my horse. And dolls. And a toothbrush because mine is lost. And can I have candy too? Put it in my stocking. Please Santa, could you do that for me Santa Claus?



P.S. Please bring my brother Levi a tool set that he can work with.

Dear Santa,

I would like a sleigh for Christmas please.


Colton B.

Dear Santa,

I would like a blue robot dog for Christmas please.


Gabriel R.

Dear Santa,

I would like a fort machine for Christmas please.


Aiden O.


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