Regarding a recent letter concerning Syrian refugees, I do not agree with, or accept, the liberal mantra “We are better than that!”
My knees are certainly not “knocking in fear of the possibility that a terrorist may be among the Syrian refugees.” That possibility has already become reality, a fact pooh-poohed by the liberal left.
I do not fear for myself, as the Second Amendment allows me to arm and defend myself and my family. I do fear for some of my family living in sanctuary city San Francisco, inhabited by gunless, hapless, liberals intent on spreading their afflictions across the country. A perfect breeding ground for the terrorists coming to our shores.
Liberals speak of religious freedom, protected by the Constitution, and of the waves of religious refugees (like the New Plymouth pilgrims mentioned in said letter) that have enriched our nation’s population for generations since our founding. But they speak not of the radical Islamist extremists – they won’t even say the words – whose stated purpose is a world-wide “caliphate” in which you join them, or die as an infidel.
Their jihad against all who do not follow them is not “religious freedom.” It is religious persecution in the most extreme sense, and those who follow the mantra “We are better than that” will equally be victims of those few “refugees” who want to slaughter us all.
I do agree with one aspect of the recent letter. Bring in the Syrian Christians, who are persecuted for their faith (Are there any Syrian Jews? Bring them as well). Federal immigration law does allow questions about religion. Sunni or Shiite, neither is allowed to deny their faith. If they do, they would be condemned to eternal damnation, with no virgins to soothe their souls.
Yes, there is “plenty of room in Wyoming for those tough enough” as stated in the recent letter. I just want my government to allow the right people, not all people, to gain access to this last outpost of modern Western civilization. Europe is in its downward spiral; we should not aspire to join them by recklessly stating “We are better than that” while slowly being sucked into that whirlpool of oblivion.
Maybe we should replace that phrase with “We are more civilized than that!” Think that will stop the jihadists?
Mike Pierce
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