Sunday morning at 9:38 a.m. Thermopolis suffered a loss of the worst kind, a tragedy that is felt by the whole community.
Gavin Jacobsen, 12, was struck by a Burlington Northern Santa Fe train near the intersection of the train tracks and Broadway street. The train was traveling north when the crew noticed Jacobsen walking along the tracks. The crew began measures to alert Jacobsen by sounding the train’s whistle early.
According to Thermopolis Police Chief Steven Shay, after an investigation the incident has been ruled an accident. Jacobsen walking along the tracks listening to music via ear-buds and apparently did not hear the train approaching. Jacobsen, unaware of the train, inadvertently walked onto the tracks. The train which is estimated to have been traveling at 30 m.p.h.
The train crew applied all emergency measures to stop the train, but the train struck Jacobsen around 200 feet south of the intersection.
Thermopolis Middle School Principal Breez Daniels sent home a letter with students dated Nov. 10 notifying students and parents of the loss of their seventh grade classmate. A counseling team is available to meet with grieving students to help them through this difficult time.
Students have put up a memory tree in the entryway of TMS to honor Jacobsen. Students can add leaves to the tree with special memories and thoughts for the family. Sympathy cards, drawings and notes may be left under the tree to be given to the family.
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