Tuesday’s Thermopolis Town Council meeting began with the council approving a catering permit for Cindy Ellison during the FFA Harvest Ball Nov. 14.
Assistant to the Mayor Fred Crosby gave some feedback in place of the Town Engineer Heath Overfield, explaining to the council that Wilson Brothers will fix a sewer man hole crack on First Street within the next week or so. Crosby also brought to the council’s attention that he needed their approval for notice to proceed for Barnum Inc. to start two bore jobs; one under the river and the other under Highway 120. The council approved the notice to proceed.
Director of public works Ernie Slagle reported they have a couple of snow plows ready and full of sand. Slagle also said they just had a sanitary survey for the water treatment plant by the EPA. They will know the results in a couple of months. If there any discrepancies, they will have to fix them. The survey is conducted every three years.
Crosby reported as codes administrator the new Pizza Hut building is going up. Local contactor Kurt Shaffer is framing the building.
The third reading of the new water ordinance was done by the Town Attorney Mike Messenger. After the reading Messenger had a couple of grammatical amendments for the ordinance. Mayor Mike Mortimore made a motion to approve the amendments, the motion passed. The Mayor then opened the floor up for discussion of the ordinance.
One member of the community,Wedge Taylor, had a several concerns and comments. One question was does the new rate increase just cover the water plant or distribution systems? Mortimore responded that it would cover both, but the primary goal is to keep the plant up and making water.
Taylor was concerned about the increased rate at the salesman. The salesman is a bulk delivery system by the water plant that uses quarters; many rural residents use it to fill their cisterns with potable water. Taylor has a water truck and delivers to many of these people. The price rate went from $4 per thousand to almost double at $7 per thousand. Taylor expressed that this is high and it is going to be difficult for him and his customers to adjust to the new rate. Mortimore explained that they based the price off the national average which came to $7.60 and they rounded down to $7 as it works better for the quarter system.
Neil Miller of the South Thermopolis Water and Sewer District was also present. Miller addressed the council with one primary concern - what is the extra money going towards? He wanted definitions and exact prices of what the town will be putting the money towards so he can explain the rate increase to his district better.
Raw water systems were brought up once again. One major concern for the council is that is even though it would take the strain off the plant, it would put added financial strain on the town to start it just now.
Assistant to the Crosby brought up there is a well over by the old sewer treatment plant that could be a source of raw water for the school district.
After a lengthy discussion over the rate increase it was put to a vote. All voted in favor of the rate increase except one council member, John Dorman Sr. voted against. When asked why he was not in favor for the motion Dorman said “Things need addressed still.”
The water rate increase ordinance passed on third and final reading and will be put in effect the first of the year.
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