A mass dispensing exercise is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 27 by the Hot Springs County Public Health to simulate exposure to an Anthrax agent.
The purpose of the exercise to treat people who may have been exposed to the Anthrax agent, and prevent them from getting sick. It is not to treat people who are already sick. The antibiotics will be simulated with a piece of candy.
“We’ve had several people step up to volunteer which is fantastic. We seriously could not do this without volunteers. They’re the most valuable resource we have,” explained Mary Gordon, the Public Health Response Coordinator.
There is still a need for volunteers to play the role of citizens exposed to the Anthrax agent. If you want to participate come to the Hot Springs County Senior Citizen Center anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on October 27. This exercise is open to everyone.
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