I was privileged to be among the educators from various school districts to hear Dr. Anthony Muhammad during staff development day on Monday, October 12.
I would like to invite the public to join in with all of us for his challenge to take a 30-day moratorium on complaining in order to make a real difference not only in our schools, but also in our community.
We can begin within the walls of our own homes and bring it into our places of work and of worship. We can develop a healthy culture of problem solvers and leave behind the toxic culture of complainers! If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, rather than complain to others, go to the person who can address the problem.
Like he told us “our greatest resource is human resource” so as we begin to focus on solving problems rather than blaming and accusing those we see as the problem, we have a much healthier atmosphere in which to improve any frustrating situations.
I quote from his book Transforming School Culture, page 120 “My greatest hope is that educators grasp this concept and universally dedicate themselves to creating schools that provide adequate guidance to ALL kids, and that they aspire to become the transformational institutions that make the community a better place to live and our world a better place.”
I do believe what we focus on is what we get. Let’s all choose to be optimistic rather than pessimistic for a win/win situation in whatever situation we may find ourselves. When we believe something is possible, we become more positive in making it happen.
Marion Burr
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