Over the last couple of months the Thermopolis Town Council has been attacking the challenge of a new town water ordinance. There have been several obstacles that needed to be overcome. Over twenty different plans were looked at before the current version was accepted by the council. It passed on first reading during the Oct. 6 meeting.
Assistant to the mayor Fred Crosby explained the goal was to make this ordinance fair to everyone. The council worked hard to make the rate increase the least amount possible, but there will be an increase nonetheless.
The rate increase is being implemented to cover many issues. As of right now, the town is just breaking even for operating and maintenance costs for supplying water to the town. With the rate increase this will allow the town to build a buffer and keep the water plant updated and have the revenue for the upkeep of the supply systems.
The question has been brought up why the town has not gone to a raw water system for yard irrigation. A raw water system brings its own set of problems and rules; mostly it would take a large amount of money to get it implemented.
The previous water rate of $13.20 is being raised to $22.00 then a tier rate will be in place. Starting at $4 for the first thousand gallons up to 799, 999 gallons, then $4.50 per thousand from 800,000 gallons to 1,499,999 gallons and $5 per thousand if in excess of 1,500,000 gallons. If you are getting your water from the coin-operated dispenser by the water plant, it will cost $7 per thousand gallons. If you need to connect or reconnect to town water it will be a $50 charge.
The town also would like the public to know there is the availability of budget billing based off of the usage from the previous year.
Residents are encouraged to call the town hall to have whatever questions they have answered. The ordinance will be read out loud twice more at the town council meetings before becoming official. The next town council meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 20 at town hall beginning at 7 p.m. Plans are for the ordinance to be in effect by December 1.
The complete water rate ordinance is available to be viewed on the town’s website at http://www.townofthermopolis.com.
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