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What are the projected costs for HSSP proposals?

Through years of attendance to State Park facilities, we have been impressed with the staff that we have met in these facilities.  Friends, family and guests have come to our State Park and have been very impressed with the appearance of the grounds and efficiency of the workers there. A personal thank you is given to the employees of these Parks.

My wife and I, and others in our community, have attended a number of meetings in regard to the Hot Springs State Park and the formation of a 20 year master plan. In many of these meetings we have been encouraged to write our comments, rather than speak.  Therefore, I am writing this letter.  

In these meetings grandiose plans and proposals for major restructuring of our State Park have been considered. There are many State employees, and private agencies, that have been commissioned to plan and present this information to the public, at what seems to be great expense. So far no one can tell me the costs that have gone into this planning process. 

In these meetings I have asked for projected costs for these proposals, where the funds are coming from, and what effect these proposals would have on private businesses. These questions are deflected. Should these questions not be the first to be considered?  

If I run a business and make a business plan without knowing what the projected costs and revenues are, it is a doomed project. It is putting the cart before the horse. This is bureaucracy at it best. This agency cannot even tally the costs that have gone into the process so far. They give me little confidence that they can project future costs.  

State revenues are falling like a rock.  And here we are in meetings conjuring up plans like they are pixie dust. How are we ever going to pay for these things without severely impacting the tax payers of this state?

Sincerely, Paul Galovich


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