When I first started a garden in the Thermopolis area many years ago, I eagerly planted my favorite perennials in the fall for spring blooming.
All winter long I imagined a beautiful garden come spring, only to have my expectations dashed by the local deer population, which apparently loved my perennials as much as I did. So, I started looking around the area and questioning local residents to find out which perennials survive the local conditions.
My surveys and in-garden experiments have resulted in a select group of local deer-resistant survivors.
To bridge the year from spring to fall and for plants from short to tall, try some of the following unfussy perennials which seem to flourish in Thermopolis.
1. Ajuga. Ground cover in foliages of bronze and greens.
2. Bleeding Heart and Coral Bells. Flowers in pinks, reds and whites.
3. Salvias, Penstemon and Russian Sage are drought resistant.
4. Purple Coneflower and Monarda for birds, bees, and butterflies.
5. Artemisia, Yuccas, and ornamental grasses for foliage contrast.
6. Peonies. Stately bushes even after ruby and pink flowers fade.
7. Allium. So many heights (6 inches to 3 feet), and colors to choose.
8. Coreopsis, Globe Thistle and Feverfew. Great for cut-flowers.
9. Gaillardia and Shasta Daisy. Long blooming, divide every few years.
If you have a special deer-resistant perennial in your yard, please share it on the Facebook page for the Red Dirt Master Gardeners.
The next Red Dirt Master Gardener meeting will be at 5 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 8, 2015, at the Hot Springs County Library. Everyone is invited to attend the meetings. Please call 307-864-3421 or visit our Facebook page for more information about the Red Dirt Master Gardeners, volunteers for a beautiful and healthy community.
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