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Ever popular Demo Derby Saturday

It’s that time of year again. Time for crashes, bashes and the roar of engines as the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce hosts the 2015 Thermopolis Demolition Derby.

The event will be held at the Hot Springs County Fairgounds Saturday, Aug. 15, starting at 6 p.m.

Grand prize this year will be $3,000 cash with the second place winner taking home $1,000, third place $700 and fourth place $500 along with trophies for the top four.

In addition to the main event, there will also be a truck derby and a men’s and women’s “Herbie” derby with $1,000, $500 and $250 cash prizes awarded for the top three winners.

There is a $50 entry fee for drivers.

Tickets are $10 in advance for adults, $4 for seniors and kids 5-12-years old and may be purchased at Finishing Touches, Needful Things, Carquest, Storyteller, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Black Bear Café, Reese and Ray’s IGA, the Senior Center or at the chamber office. Tickets will also be available at the door.

The first Demolition Derby in Thermopolis was held in 1975. The derby continues to be a popular event consistently packing the grandstands at the fairgrounds.

The derby is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce with support from the Hot Springs County Fair Board and numerous sponsor businesses.

For many it is a family affair with fathers and sons and husbands and wives both competing or working on cars for each other.

Bring the whole family and enjoy this survival of the fittest vehicle battle.

For more information please contact the chamber at 864-3192.


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