Your source for news in Hot Springs County

The survey says ...

The overwhelming conclusion to be drawn is that Wyoming’s newspapers are still the No. 1 source for news and consumer information according to results from a Pulse Research survey.

“Unfortunately, many businesses have the misperception that ‘print is dead,’ said an executive summary of the results written by John Marling of Pulse Research. “The research facts clearly show that newspapers are alive and can deliver the Wyoming market for all consumer shopping categories, public notices and election decision making.

Wyoming’s publishers received a copy of the results of the telephone survey conducted by Pulse Research in late May. The findings of the telephone survey of 500 residents (margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 percent) show that newspapers dominate in almost every category:

•Newspapers are the primary information source for local news, sports and entertainment for almost 25 percent of those questioned – compared to 19.8 percent for television, 13.6 percent for radio and 14.7 percent for non-newspaper Internet sites;

•Newspapers are the primary source of advertising for groceries and other local goods and services;

•More than 40 percent of those surveyed say their local newspaper is their primary source of information for local and state political candidates and issues – more than twice as many as turn to the Internet;

•Sixty percent of those questioned feel strongly that government agencies should publish records of their proceedings in local newspapers;

•About 70 percent of those questioned read newspapers regularly or sometimes, while almost 90 percent read newspaper advertising regularly or sometimes, and

•Local newspapers are the No. 1 place to look for people seeking jobs – 31 percent say newspapers are their primary source of job information, compared to 3.6 percent for the Internet “help wanted” site and 3.3 percent for Craigslist.


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Rendered 08/27/2024 21:56