“I’m bored. Think of something to do.”
If these words ever should jump from your lips to your spouse’s ear, make sure your lips are somewhere far removed from such ear. Be aware that the number of possible outcomes from such a question are severely limited to generally two possibilities.
One, she/he will simply say some variation of “I’m not the one bored. You think of something”, or 2) There’s a knitting contest at the senior center (Chinese checker open competition at same) that should prove interesting.
Thankfully, we live in an area of the country that contains a plentiful number of locations for a delightful day-trip to renew old memories or create new ones.
Spend 5 hours of your day going and coming from Yellowstone as we recently did. Spend time on the side roads away from the major attractions for the other 5-7 hours, take a picnic lunch with you, and you’ll find a day filled with possibilities and surprises...and maybe some new friends. Such was our experience -
“Good Gracious, what a cute baby!” And the conversation was off and running crowned with “Where you all from? Answered with, “Sweden.”
“As in across an incredibly large lake Sweden?” And the conversation got even better. New friends from across the sea were of course invited to enjoy the largest hot springs in the world.
The Tetons never lose their grandeur; you may see climbers scaling Devils Tower in northeast Wyoming; the Pryor Mountains and the wild horses fascinate; a slightly longer trip puts you in the amazing Black Hills; the Sinks above Lander always bewitch us with its mystery; and, Castle Rock (east of Shoshone) has unique rock formations to capture your imagination. The canyon beckons us to Boysen with its many places to relax and enjoy water sports.
Summer is a great time to enjoy the opportunities in our area without spending next month’s grocery money, and the people are friendly. If you need more suggestions, check with the Chamber of Commerce; they’d love to see you.
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