Everyone loves a parade!
The first parade of the summer will be for the Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous Rodeo on Saturday, June 27.
The parade begins at 10 a.m. with line-up starting at 9:30 at 5th Street and Shoshoni.
They will travel down 6th Street to the stop light, turn right on Broadway and finish up in front of the VFW.
There are awards in each of the categories: walking, automobile, float, horse, pet, music and ranch.
Entry forms are available for download at thermopoliscowboyrendezvous.com and must be turned it at the Chamber of Commerce or mailed to P.O. Box 206, Thermopolis, before June 25.
Set your sights on a patriotic theme for the annual 4th of July parade on Saturday, July 4, in downtown Thermopolis.
Line up for the parade begins at 9:30 a.m. on Arapahoe Street by the Extension Office with a starting time for the parade of 10 a.m.
Businesses, organizations and individuals are encouraged to participate and let your imagination run wild with your entry.
Your next chance to be in the parade will be the Pageant Days Parade on Saturday, Aug. 1 with line up beginning at 9:30 a.m., again on Arapahoe Street by the Extension Office.
The parade will begin at 10 a.m.
This year’s theme for the Pageant Days Parade is “Past, Present and Future of Hot Springs County.”
Chamber director Meri Ann Rush said they have made a change to the parade route this year.
The parades will travel west on Arapahoe to 5th Street, then travel south to Broadway, turn right and travel west to 6th Street before turning around at the intersection of 6th and Broadway, traveling east on Broadway until 4th Street.
Parade entries may be downloaded from the Chamber’s website at thermopolischamber.org or by calling the Chamber office at 864-3192.
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