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Celebrating royalty

Jacky Wright, native of England, held a tea at her residence celebrating the birth of Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. Keeping with English custom, all attendees wore hats and enjoyed an English style tea. "Happy Birthday" was sung for the Princess and a group photo will be sent to the Cambridge family. Pictured are, left to right, back row: Beth Drake, Dorothy Mortimore, Cindy Toth, Arlea McCumber, Bev Koerwitz, Barbara Moeller, Kathy Wallingford, Rachel Miller, Jacky Wright, Jody Coleman, Carma Shoop and Becky Hutson. Middle row: Belenda Wilson, Jane Norskog, Carol Bivens and Ellen Mortimore. Seated: Suzanne Samelson, Peggy Forgey, Jackie Manning and Phyllis Laflin.


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