Thirty-four seniors will be in cap and gown when the Hot Springs County High School Class of 2015 celebrates graduation with commencement exercises Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m. in the high school gym.
Co-valedictorians Vinchinzo Hinojos-Castle and Dakota Jeffs will each provide a brief address, as will salutatorian Haylee Hoffman.
Hinojos-Castle’s high school activities include track, football and wrestling. He was named four time All Conference Wrestler, All State Wrestler and Regional Wrestling Champion. He is a two time State Wrestling Champion, three time Academic All State Wrestler, Most Dedicated Wrestler 2012 and Most Outstanding Wrestler 2014.
Jeffs’ activities include volleyball, basketball, golf, Key Club, Spanish Club, National Honor Society, Student Council and yearbook. She was named to All Conference Volleyball, All Conference Basketball and Top English Student for two years.
Hoffman’s activities include track, volleyball, basketball, Student Council and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She was named to All State Volleyball and All Conference Basketball, both for two years.
Ronda Freel will be the guest speaker at commencement exercises. Freel joined HSCSD in the fall of 1984 at Hamilton Dome school. She started the young authors program here in the mid-eighties and supervised that program for approximately 20 years.
Freel has followed the class of 2015 since kindergarten, all 13 years. She currently serves as a junior advisor, dual credit facilitator and academic interventionist.
See the 2015 Graduation Section in this issue of the Independent Record for photos of all the graduates, brought to you by businesses and members of the community.
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