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Independent Record now offers online subscriptions

Every story and photo from the print version of the Thermopolis Independent Record is now available online.

That means that friends, family, and people who have moved away from town can still get all their news on the fly once the newspaper is off the presses.

Our online website is updated every week, with everything online by the end of the day Thursday.

The Independent Record aims to provide the best possible local news coverage that residents can’t get anywhere else. We pride ourselves on covering the news from a local angle, and leaving the national news to the other guys.

All online-only subscriptions cost $32. Current subscribers can get access to the website for free as part of their paper subscription.

To access all content on our website, current subscribers just click the “free trial” button or go to You will receive access for the remainder of your subscription at no additional cost.

Online subscriptions can be paid through PayPal, or in person at the Independent Record Office.

For more information, call the Independent Record office at 307-864-2328.


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