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Sorted by date  Results 1418 - 1442 of 1699

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  • Middle school football kicks off at home

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Sep 8, 2016

    The Thermopolis middle school football team will open its season this weekend, with a home game against Lander, scheduled to begin 10 a.m. Saturday. Filling out the roster this year are eighth-graders Jackson Jenson, Kyle Roessing, Logan Cole, Remington Feree, Tyson Medina, James Lindquist and Landon Sosa, along with seventh-graders Josh Roberson, William Clark, Eli McCumber, Adley Coyne, Jack Ream, Austin Barral, Wyatt McDermott, Kaden Snooks, Hazen Thurgood, Jase Longwell, Alec Rowan and...

  • Aiming downfield

    Sep 8, 2016

    Quarterback Cullen Becher prepares to fire off a pass during Friday night's 63-0 loss against Greybull. The Cats will play at Glenrock Friday, beginning at 7 p.m. No information was received at press time from the coach about the Greybull game....

  • Youths perform well at WJRA state finals

    Sep 8, 2016

    Six Hot Springs County youths competed in the Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association's state finals in Glenrock Aug. 19-21. Roedy Farrell was named the junior boy all-around champion for the year and brought home a saddle for his hard work. Other results include: Senior girl, Emme Norsworthy – Saturday: first place barrel racing, 18.10; eighth place pole bending 24.07. Sunday: sixth place barrel racing, 18.30; fifth place pole bending, 24.17. Weekend average: third place barrel racing, fifth place p...

  • Cross country takes on Casper Mountain

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Sep 1, 2016

    On Friday, the Thermopolis Cross Country teams traveled to Casper Mountain for the Kelly Walsh Invite, their season opener. The event saw senior Jules Ward take 10th place, with a time of 21:21, and Coach Brenna Abel stated the middle school girls team took third place, did a great job and are getting into shape. “Our CC kids did a great job with a mountain run,” Abel stated. “We had not attended in the past and it was a new course for the team. The competition was primarily 4A schools. The a...

  • Lady Cats take on Douglas

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 1, 2016

    Hot Springs County High School Junior Varsity and Varsity Volleyball teams played in Douglas Friday and Saturday. Freshmen played in Powell. Junior Varsity began pool play with Buffalo's Junior Varsity and ended up splitting with them 23-21 and 18-21. Varsity began Friday's pool play with a tough Douglas team and ended up dropping both to them. "Douglas is a very good team with a lot of height and strong hitters," Hot Springs High School Head Volleyball Coach Shannon Hill said. "This was a... Full story

  • Golfers hit the greens

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 1, 2016

    The Bobcat golfers are getting into the season playing at the Cody Invite Aug. 25 and 26. Coach Jake Smith said Hudson Roling finished second overall, Kaili Johansen set two personal records and almost every golfer improved from day 1 to day 2. "We aren't scoring as well as we would like yet, but we are getting there," Smith said. Scores for the Cody Invite are as follows: Thermopolis Boys Hudson Roling: Day 1 – 80; Day 2 – 74; Total – 154 Caleb DeCroo: Day 1 – 86; Day 2 – 86; Total – 172 Jak...

  • Cats hit the road to play Greybull

    Sep 1, 2016

    The Hot Springs County High School football team was beat 46-0 in a shortened scrimmage at Lander on Friday. Coach Matthew McPhie stated "the boys played hard and it was a good learning experience, as our team was able to review the film and see what we need to clean up. I'm excited about the improvement process that we are undertaking. We've got a great challenge with Greybull on the road this weekend." The game is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Friday. McPhie further added areas that need...

  • Bobcat golf season has begun

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Aug 25, 2016

    Both varsity and junior varsity golf began last week. Varsity traveled to Riverton for their matches on Aug. 18 and Aug. 19, while junior varsity had two home matches on Aug. 18 and Aug. 19. Coach Jacob Smith said varsity had a good first showing. "The weather wasn't very good, but the team pulled off pretty well in their first tournament scores," he said. "Hudson Roling logged another top 10 finish. Caleb DeCroo, Logan Barthlolomew and Jake Maksin all had ups and downs in their rounds." As for...

  • Action packed derby packs grandstands

    Dennis Nierzwicki, Photographer|Aug 25, 2016

    Local drivers took a big share of the prize money home Saturday evening from the 2016 Demolition Derby at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Thermopolis men brought home the top three places in the winners heat with Cory Bowman first, Jason Bowman second and Stephen Flinn third. Cody Hensley won the action packed truck derby. Three Thermopolis women cleaned-up in the women's herby derby with Taylor Sprigg first, Lisa Shaffer second and Chelsie Flinn third. Results and prize amounts include:...

  • Lady Cats volleyball opener at Douglas

    Aug 25, 2016

    The Lady Cats varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams have been practicing for over a week and will travel to Douglas for their season opener Friday and Saturday. Requests for information from the head coach were not returned at press time.... Full story

  • Bobcat football opens with Friday scrimmage

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Aug 25, 2016

    The Hot Springs County High School football team will take to the field this Friday, with a scrimmage at Lander. The season will officially open Sept. 2. Coach Matt McPhie said the team had a solid week last week, with eight practices, and the most positive things he sees is the players' attitude and work ethic. He noted they are working together, and pulling for each other. There are also a lot of things that need work, McPhie said, as there have been things done here, such as not having an int...

  • Cross Country opens at Casper

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Aug 25, 2016

    This season, 17 high school and middle school students will run their hearts out as they represent Thermopolis Cross Country. The Hot Springs County High School team will include seniors Liz Rhodes, Stacy Lewis and Jules Ward, and freshmen Erica Meier, Tahja Hunt, Kenna Bomengen, Olivia Weyer and Aime Robinson for the girls team and Sophomore Sean Miller for the boys. Thermopolis Middle School has eighth-graders Emme Norsworthy, Jasmine Collins, Dayna Sandburg and Ryan Miller, seventh-graders...

  • 2016 Hot Springs County Fair results

    Aug 25, 2016

    Shooting sports Archery Junior – 1. Tanner Medvigy, Hadley Johnson, 2. Seth Needham, Chase Herring, 3. Bridger Peil, Zane Stam, 4. Talyah Myers, Hayden Oerfield, 5. Porter McCumber, Lexi Overfield, 6. Rosalie Willson, Lance Axtell. Junior Grand Champion – Hadley Johnson Junior Reserve Champion – Chase Herring Intermediate, first or second year – 1. Carson Medvigy, 3. Jonah Needham, 4. Madeline Stam, 5. Reagan Severance, Intermediate, three or more years – 1. Hardy Johnson, Owen McCumber,...

  • Hot Springs County Fair results

    Aug 18, 2016

    Results from the Hot Springs County Fair include: BEEF SHOW FFA Showmanship – 1. Strite Daniels, 2. Jessie Pennoyer, 3. Rebecca Clouse Senior Showmanship – 1. Strite Daniels, 2. Jessie Pennoyer, 3. Jason Clouse, 4. Jules Ward, 5. Spencer Axtell, 6. Melissa Ward Intermediate Showmanship – 1. Eli McCumber, 2. Audrey Axtell Junior Showmanship – 1. Porter McCumber , 2. Maile Mae McCumber, 3. Will Ward, 4. Lance Axtell, 5. Lexi Overfield Breeding, Black Angus, summer yearling heifer – 1. Melissa W... Full story

  • HSC Barrel Racing results

    Aug 18, 2016

    Hot Springs County Summer Series Barrel Racing held their August event Saturday and Sunday at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Results include (in order of finish): Saturday Peewee Barrels: 1D - Mesa Allen 17.816, Mesa Allen 18.141; 4D - Madalyn Moorman 20.646, Madalyn Moorman 26.280. Youth Barrels: 1D - Kaitlyn Schmuck 16.156, Emme Norsworthy 16.628; 3D -Katelyn King 17.382, Katie Fisher 17.520; 4D - Elsie Campbell 18.510, Taylor Nuttall 19.257, Tyne Vialpando 20.149, Madison O'Meara 22.867...

  • County fair kicks off with horse show

    Jul 28, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Fair Horse Show was held Saturday at the fairgrounds with both 4-H and FFA youth competing in a variety of events with their equine partners. Results include: PeeWee Showmanship – 1. Kamryn Farrell, Allen Thurman, Logann Farrell, Mackenzie Buckner, Soren Webber Western Pleasure – 1. Kamryn Farrell, Allen Thurman, Logann Farrell, Mackenzie Buckner Barrels – 1. Logann Farrell, 2. Kamryn Farrell, 3. Mackenzie Buckner, 4. Allen Thurman Poles – 1. Logann Farrell, 2. Kamryn... Full story

  • Pick a pro golf tournament

    Jul 21, 2016

    Dana Bjorhus teamed up with professional golfer Bill Haas to win the British Open Pick A Pro Tournament held July 16-17 at the Thermopolis Golf Course. Eighteen holes were played on both Saturday and Sunday in conjunction with the British Open PGA tournament in Scotland. Local competitors picked a PGA player playing in the British Open and their scores were added together for a team score. Results include: Dana Bjorhus and pro Bill Haas 273 Valerie Bjorhus and pro Phil Mickelson 280 Jake Maksin...

  • Three inducted into Bobcat Athletics Hall of Fame 2016 inductees

    Jul 21, 2016

    Friday evening saw three inductees into the Bobcat Athletics Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was established in 2006 as a way to recognize the many great athletes, coaches, teams, administrators and community members that have been a part of Bobcat athletics over the years. Among those inducted were William "Bill" McCormick, a three-sport letterman in football, swimming and track & field. At one time, he had the school records in the high hurdles, low hurdles and high jump. At the time of his gra... Full story

  • Wild Bunch bowlers take national title

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Jul 21, 2016

    Roll the ball down the lane, knock down as many pins as you can and have some fun doing it. Recently, the Wyoming Wild Bunch women's bowling team put these skills to the test - particularly the fun aspect - when they competed at the United States Bowling Congress Women's Championships in Las Vegas, taking the Sapphire Division. Though the tournament officially ended July 10, it began April 9; the event lasts several weeks, in order to provide the 20,000-plus entrants this year the opportunities...

  • 4-Hers compete at state shoot

    Jul 14, 2016

    July 7-10, 4-H members from around the state competed at the 2016 Wyoming State Shoot in Douglas. 4-H members are reminded the deadline for horse entries is 5 p.m. July 15, and the deadline for regular fair entries is 5 p.m. July 22, at the extension office. The horse show is scheduled for July 23 at 8 a.m. Following are results from Hot Springs County shooters. Jr. .22 Pistol Team: 7th – Owen McCumber, Hardy Johnson, Matt Music, Tanner Medvigy Sr. .22 Pistol Team: 10th – Jason Clouse, John Mai... Full story

  • HSC Barrel racing results

    Jul 7, 2016

    Hot Springs County Summer Series Barrel Racing held their event June 28 at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. Results include (in order of finish): Peewee barrels: 1D – Mesa Allen 21.392; 2D – Mesa Allen 22.283; 4D – Allison Magargal 29.271, Logann Farrell 30.688. Youth barrels: 1D – Abi Dawson 19.787, Kamryn Farrell 19.793, Brye Williams 20.235; 2D – Emme Norsworthy 20.358, Kaitlyn Schmuck 20.630; 3D – Emme Norsworthy 21.275, Katelyn King 21.370; 4D – Taylor Nuttall 24.373, Tyne Vialpando 25.790, Tatum Vialpando 25.790, Megan Dawson 26.070... Full story

  • Thermopolis Horse Gymkhana results

    Jul 7, 2016

    The July Thermopolis Gymkhana was Friday at Hot Springs County Fairgrounds. The next Gymkhana event is scheduled for Aug. 12. Friday's results, in order of finish, include: Lead Line Barrels: Mackenzie Buckner, Sydney Nye, Cooper Nye, Casen Eckley, Scotlyn Armajo and Alayna Scheel. Poles: Mackenzie Buckner, Sydney Nye, Cooper Nye, Scotlyn Armajo, Casen Eckley and Alayna Scheel. Goats: Mackenzie Buckner, Scotlyn Armajo, Alayna Scheel Cooper Nye, and Ashlyn Aly. Flag race: Cooper Nye, Ashlyn Aly,...

  • Popsicles to end season

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Jun 30, 2016

    A Popsicle Night for the Tee Ball players is scheduled for June 30, beginning at 6 p.m. at the baseball fields. Recreation Director Brad Morrison explained this is an end-of-year event for the Tee Ball team, and Popsicles will be handed out to the players. Baseball practices got underway at the end of May, with a total 58 signed up — 17 each in the Major and Minor leagues, 18 in Coach Pitch and six in Start Smart. The first game of the season saw a loss at home to Otto, 26-11, though Morrison n...

  • Airborne

    Dennis Nierzwicki, Photographer|Jun 23, 2016

    There was a variety of grinding, ollies and half-pipe tricks Friday at the Thermopolis skate park during the Skateboard, Scooter and BMX show. Participants wowed viewers with some incredible tricks and all around fun. Zach Hurley shows off some of his skateboarding skills....

  • Thermopolis Golf Course results

    Jun 23, 2016

    Men’s League, June 8 Low Gross: Parke Price (34); Low Net: Joey Johnson (27); Skins: Kevin Simpson (Hole #4), Parke Price (Hole #5); Deuce Pot: Parke Price (Hole #5) ; Closest to the Pin (Hole #8): Frank Toth; Longest Putt (Hole #4): Kevin Simpson. Men’s League, June 15 Low Gross: Donnie Bjorhus (32); Low Net: Joey Johnson (30); Skins: Dusty McLean (Hole #3), Jason Ciz (Hole #4), Frank Toth (Hole #5), Donnie Bjorhus (Hole #8); Deuce Pot: Frank Toth (Hole #5), Dale Cornella (Hole #8), Donnie Bjorhus (Hole #8); Closest to the Pin (Hole #2): Kev... Full story

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