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Opinion / Letter To The Editor

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  • Are you a Veteran in crisis or know one who is?

    Mar 23, 2023

    If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about someone who is, help is here. In January, the new COMPACT Act went into effect across the U.S. The COMPACT Act is the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care and Treatment legislation. The Act allows all honorably discharged Veterans who are experiencing a suicidal crisis to go to ANY mental healthcare facility for no-cost treatment. Veterans do NOT need to be enrolled to use this benefit. This provision makes critical, and potentially life-saving, support available to our dedicated...

  • Thank you for World Day of Prayer gathering

    Mar 9, 2023

    I feel uplifted and blessed by having attended the World Day of Prayer gathering Friday at the fair building. We find such goodness in Thermopolis! We see so many people helping to build the kingdom of God by being kind and caring as well as generous not only in their time but also their money to support many worthy and meaningful fundraisers. We see people reaching out and helping with the same genuine love our Savior showed. In his first epistle to the Corinthians Paul stated “There should be no schism in the body but that the members s...

  • United State of America

    Mar 2, 2023

    Is the handwriting on the wall? ; Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. Interpretation: Mene - GOD has numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Tekel - Thou art weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Peres - Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. Obviously this is Daniel warning Belshazzar the King of Babylon of impending doom. OK what does this have to do with America? Like it or not, America was founded on Biblical principals, and we claim to be, “One Nation Under GOD”. Because of that GOD has every right to send des...

  • Clearly define 'woke'

    Feb 23, 2023

    This month, we will have a speaker that is specializing in woke culture. As a college graduate with a well traveled life, I would really like this person and/or organization hosting him to clearly define “woke.” Instead of using a slang term, spell it out. If it is going to be promoted as a way to control the education of ALL our children, we need you to not fight a culture war. Be honest. Georgeanne Hammond...

  • Limited Urban Agriculture proposed in town

    Feb 16, 2023

    Are we being oppressed? Oppression - 1. dominate harshly: to subject a person or a people to a harsh or cruel form of domination 2. inflict stress on: to be a source of worry, stress, or trouble to somebody 3. suppress: to hold something in check or put an end to it (archaic) That’s a strong word to some, but none of its synonyms are any better, domination, coercion, cruelty, tyranny, subjugation, persecution, harassment, or repression. The word we all love better is the antonym, of liberty. I’m just asking that the townspeople be relieved of...

  • Librarians as child pornographers? Wyoming HB87

    Feb 9, 2023

    Governing a diverse people is difficult – a lot like trying to manage a family of children, all with different needs, wants and interests, all pulling at a parent’s jeans’ legs at the same time. Sometimes they ask for things that aren’t good for them. It is the same with our communities. Sometimes, well-meaning people get caught up in issues that are not good for the community. I believe this is the case with HB87- Crimes of obscenity – revisions, which calls for librarians to be subject to prosecution as child pornographers. In a state who...

  • Information provided on the Japanese Balloon

    Feb 9, 2023

    World War II was in its third year in 1944. The Allies were slowly gaining on the Germans and Japanese on the European and Pacific fronts. After several defeats by the Americans in the Pacific, the Japanese were slowly being forced back toward their home islands. Now, the Americans had control of the shipping lanes and the air as numerous Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk by the allies. Now, the Japanese had to pull back to defend their homeland. They had to develop something new that we could not destroy. The Japanese assembled the...

  • Additional information on Joint Powers Board

    Feb 2, 2023

    We’d like to respond to the 1-26-2023 article regarding the Hot Springs Joint Power Board reorganization and to provide additional information, background, and our opinion. There have been two studies done and sponsored by the Big Horn Region (BHR), not by Thermopolis or the county commissioners. One was in 2018 which included the town and provided options for a new groundwater source because the BHR does not have the capacity to service the town and the other Hot Spring County districts and needed redundancy. The town decided against p...

  • Slow down, pay attention

    Jan 26, 2023

    I have wanted to write this letter to the editor for years. I started driving farm equipment here in the 60s, as did most of my classmates from the HSCHS Class of 68. We got our driver’s license at 15 years of age. I joined the Army at 17 where I drove 2.5 ton to 25 ton trucks. A year in Vietnam and 3 years in Germany with a couple of drivers’ academies. I crewed Hueys for the next 8 years, driving my car in Panama seeing how people drive in Central America – Honduras/El Salvador. After I retired from the Army, I drove 18 wheelers, 48 state...

  • Why isn't more being done?

    Jan 5, 2023

    What has N.A.T.O. done? It was formed after WWII to make sure that no country would ever be taken over by oppressors again. Ukraine has been completely destroyed - no heat, water, food or shelter is left. Putin is breaking rules of war everyday. He’s bombing hospitals, schools, refugee camps. He’s not targeting the military but the civilians. N.A.T.O. won’t use military force against him, but sanctions. Military force might cause a war, remember 1937? The war has already started. Now the world can see how weak the U.S. and N.A.T.O. reall...

  • How an angel came to be on top of a Christmas tree

    Dec 15, 2022

    A long time ago in the distant future, a cloud of gloom hovered beneath the North Pole. The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) went South for the Winter, reversing the Magnetic Poles and causing a chain reaction of bizarre circumstances. Suddenly, Mrs. Santa was on the twelfth day of menopause. Everything she baked fell flat or burnt. As she grew grumpier by the day, there were no decorations or festive aromas nor cheerful atmosphere. AS NOT ENOUGH – Rudolph was suffering with a serious head cold. He sneezed so hard that his nose popped off a...

  • Family woes

    Dec 1, 2022

    Each Thursday the IR arrives in the mail, and I typically go right to “On the Record” and the Obituaries to confirm I’m not mentioned in either. Lately, however, I’ve been focusing on the Record, aka the Police/Sheriff/Court blotter. I’m seeing a lot of family issues there, far too many for such a small community. And yet this trend now affects communities all across America. It includes domestic abuse, rebellious teens, drug use, alcohol abuse, and recently our little town had the threat of a teen brawl over drug paraphernalia. That’s a...

  • Disappointed with school board candidates

    Nov 3, 2022

    I was disappointed with a few of our candidates who are running for school board trustee. They seem to feel they do not have to answer questions from the public because the questions came from Republicans. Interestingly, many of the candidates who would not answer questions publicly stated they would be willing to answer them privately. Why is that? I realize the school board trustee is a non-partisan race, but people who run for public office answer to the public. Republicans are voters, many are taxpayers and all are obviously part of the...

  • Republican party committee criticized

    Nov 3, 2022

    In the October 20 issue, the newspaper ran an editorial about the local school board race. First off, I would like to make clear that I am addressing some issues about that race that involve a committee from the Hot Springs Republican party. I am a Democrat and have nothing personal against Republicans. I have been married to one for over 40 years. And in my 35 years of living in Wyoming, I can say I like and respect many Republicans and have voted for some. I think we can disagree and have civil discussions without being hateful or divisive. I...

  • Thank you, school board candidates, for your courage

    Nov 3, 2022

    To all the candidates who attended the Thermopolis School Board Candidate Forum hosted by the Republican Party: “Thank you for your courage to come and answer the questions asked of you.” The position of school board trustee is incredibly important to our schools, our teachers, our students and our community. This forum provided a very public opportunity in regard to where each candidate stood on various subjects. Sometimes these forums ask questions that may cause frustration or may cause people to be uncomfortable. However, the goal was to...

  • Looking for Punteney, Price family members

    Sep 8, 2022

    On our winter visit from Wyoming to Arizona, I picked up a volume of Louise May Alcott’s “Jo’s Boys” at an estate sale. Published in September of 1868, this book was found to be first edition. Included in this precious book were some hand-written notes that seem to be connected to the Thermopolis and Embar areas of Wyoming. My curiosity is pushing me to find if there are any relatives of the original owner of the book still in the area. The name inscribed is: Elizabeth Punteney. She gifted the book to Robert Price, Embar, Wyo. on Decembe...

  • A call for Republican unity

    Sep 1, 2022

    Over the past several days, I have fielded an extraordinary number of phone calls asking me to run for Wyoming Secretary of State. I am not running for Secretary of State. I first learned of the effort to draft me to run, as an Independent, from news sources. I spoke with the authors of the petition and expressed that even if the required number of signatures were gathered, I would not run against the Party’s nominee and split a Party I love so dearly. I believe strongly that the Republican Party must unite around the shared principles of h...

  • Be careful who you vote for

    Aug 4, 2022

    Dr. Martian Luther King, Jr. was right when he said we should judge a person by their character, but it seems good ethics has fallen out of favor. There are more and more people saying it doesn’t matter if they cheat, steal, lie or even kill if the right outcome is achieved. Watch out voting for someone who is willing to compromise good character in order to win, gain power, or get rich. Chuck Cooper...

  • Open letter to Senators and Congressmen

    Jul 7, 2022

    Thursday morning last week, we awoke to find the stock markets opening down over 2% again, and 401k accounts down 30% or more. Since this is directly due to the policies of the current administration, and no fault of senior 401k investors, I believe it is time for you, my Representative and Senators, to introduce legislation to waive the required withdrawal of a given percent of 401k accounts for those over 70 1/2. Seniors living on fixed incomes are suffering from 8.6% inflation, $5.00+ gasoline prices, 30% losses to their 401k’s and food c...

  • Guns win, moms lose: Creating generational poverty

    Jul 7, 2022

    This past few weeks saw major erosions to the rights of Americans. Supreme Court decisions were made along political party lines. Us old people know this, but the young don’t, so for their benefit, I’d like to give a synopsis. There are 2 competing visions for America (called political parties: Dems and Reps). The GOP (grand old party)-Republicans push laws for putting more guns on the streets, cut worker’s abilities to unionize, strip working people from access to Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security, protect monopolies by corporations, spend...

  • Wy not Disneyland?

    Jun 23, 2022

    Time will tell how much the flood-caused closing of Yellowstone will hurt the Wyoming tourism industry. Seems there was a brief boom for Thermopolis as tourists already on the way saw the signs “Yellowstone Park All Entrances Closed” or learned the bad news elsewise and turned to other locations. But what about people who are still at home, in parts east, west and south of the nation’s first national park--and that’s most of the country--and planning to go elsewhere? I sure hope they don’t go to Disneyland/World or some other artificial “theme...

  • Do not plod along like cattle

    Apr 28, 2022

    I am respectfully submitting an excerpt from a book called “Freedom Tide” written by Chad Connelly: Anyone making statements that our Founding Fathers were not predominantly Christian, or that they did not base our form of governnment on God’s eternal laws, or that they intended the form of “separation of church and state” that we have today, is sadly mistaken. A small amount of homework conclusively reveals otherwise. Just a few truths for your study: The University of Houston conducted a study in which 15,000 writings of the founders...

  • Why do fans yell at sports officials?

    Mar 10, 2022

    Everyone wants to win the game! When we don’t , the officials usually get the blame. If you think officiating is easy, grab a whistle sometime and try working a game, at any level. Fans have the best view from the stands, whereas the officials are on eye-level with the players. We know there will be contact in basketball. In less than two seconds, the official must determine who initiated the contact, was it advantageous, do I act on it with a foul, or do we play on? All this depends on the angle the official sees the contact. How often have yo...

  • Our greatest enemies

    Feb 24, 2022

    In June of 1956 a joint session of the United States Congress passed a bill changing our national motto from E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many ONe) to In God We Trust. The bill was soon signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The motto now appears on all of our money. Fast forward to today’s world. In Finland a member of the parliament and a clergy person are going to trial for quoting scripture and speaking publicly about their faith. In China Muslims have been put on concentration camps and their women sterilized. Christians are being martyred t...

  • 300th Armored Artillery Bn. members

    Dec 2, 2021

    I thought this might be of a slight interest. I see in a recent issue Bob James passed away. August of 1950 the Wyo. National Guard 300th Armored Artillery Bn. Was federalized and sent to Korea. The Bn. consisted of headquarters, Sheridan Firing Batteries: A-Thermopolis, B-Cody, C-Worland, Service Batt. Lovell. Batter A-Thermopolis consisted of 70 volunteers local A Battery. After 2 years on the line, 70 came home, with numerous medals, Purple Hearts and citations. There were 2 members alive at Bob James death. Bob James and myself, John...

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