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Opinion / Column

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 238

  • Engel finished CCMA to enhance skills

    Feb 20, 2025

    by Laura Phagan, HSH After working for Hot Springs Health for five years, Mackenzie Engel was ready for a challenge and decided earning a certificate to enhance her skills was the best way to do it. Her only setback was the distance to a local college to earn that certificate while also being a full-time employee and a mom. So, when the offer to complete the clinical medical assistant certification through the National Healthcareer Association, Engel made the easy decision to enroll. Since its inception, the NHA has awarded more than one...

  • School board sends letter to legislatures

    Feb 13, 2025

    Dear Representative Winter and Senator Cooper and fellow members of the Wyoming Legislature: I hope this finds you well. As the legislative session is now in full swing, the HSCSD#1 Board of Trustees has held a work session to discuss several bills currently under consideration, specifically in relation to education. After taking public comment from numerous patrons, a clear theme emerged: many of our community members believe that Wyoming can do better when it comes to these proposed legislative changes. The voices we heard in the room echoed...

  • Make kindness a norm, not the exception

    Feb 6, 2025

    A message from Jen Cheney of the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition In a world full of opportunities to connect and uplift one another, kindness has the power to shine brightly. What if we made kindness the norm—the foundation of how we live and interact every day? Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 9–15, 2025, is a perfect reminder of how thoughtful gestures can spark joy, inspire change, and create lasting impact. Let’s celebrate this week as a chance to embrace kindness as a daily habit and a way of life. 1. Kindness Builds Stron...

  • Age and wisdom

    Daniel Powell|Jan 30, 2025

    “Age is the price of wisdom.” It’s an ancient proverb. One that has been passed down through the fog of time - in cultures spread across the globe. But what does it mean? Benjamin Franklin said: “At 20 years of age, the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.” Fair enough. I’ll concede that the passage of time can help one to have a more complete perspective of the world, of people, and even of one’s own life. Franklin lived to be 84. I wonder if he had any words of wisdom about what rules at 50? Or 60? Guess he was keeping that wisdom...

  • Tips to build lasting exercise habits in 2025

    Jan 16, 2025

    submitted by RYTE Rehabilitation As Americans prepare their health goals for 2025, we want to share tips to help individuals create sustainable exercise habits. They have combined current research with practical strategies to help people maintain their fitness resolutions beyond January. Therapists say that starting exercise isn’t usually the problem, it’s sticking with it. Key tips to remember are: Research showing that exercising four times weekly for six weeks is the minimum for habit formation Schedule exercise into your calendar Treat it...

  • Those disconcerting Denver Broncos

    Jan 9, 2025

    by Daniel Powell Well, the Broncos managed to outperform all expectations for this season, and have secured the seventh seed in the AFC playoffs. I am sure there are some hard-core Broncos fans that were not surprised - and no doubt, there are many, many, more Broncos fans - who will, adamantly, claim to not have been in the least surprised. After all, everyone loves a bandwagon. Having grown up in the suburbs of Denver, I can truly claim to have been a Broncos fan – long before the team was ever considered to be competitive. In those early d...

  • Reflections on First Day Hike

    Jan 9, 2025

    by Teri Gergen First Day Hikes are coordinated by the National Parks Service to encourage people to “get outside and connect with nature” on New Years Day. I had completed a couple hikes in Middle and East Tennessee before moving to Wyoming and was glad to see that they happened here as well. January 1, 2025 marked my fourth New Year in Thermopolis and the third time I participated in the annual hike. In 2022, the group met at the visitors center and hiked through the Frisbee/Disc Golf course. The winter of 2022-2023 was especially brutal. The...

  • A Christmas Tale

    Daniel Powell|Dec 19, 2024

    As another year comes to a close, we begin to focus on the events, and the atmosphere, of the holiday season. Certainly, the holidays can be hectic – stressful even. It is important, however, that we always try to overlook those aspects of the season, and focus instead, on the more joyful things – especially, how we look forward to time spent with friends and family, in celebration of the season. Understandably, our thoughts may turn to holiday seasons of the past, and to happy times spent with some loved ones, who are no longer with us. Thi...

  • Senior center happenings

    Nov 28, 2024

    by Trenda Moore, HSC Senior Citizens Center Director Being informed and involved is so important in our community. I’m going to touch on things you may not have heard about recently or at all. We are constantly reminded – until someone has a need or comes through the door, they don’t know what we do or all the services we offer daily. It takes every entity and partnership we have to make things all work. Following our recent Veteran’s Day lunch, we need your help to spread the word to veterans and their families. Please bring your militar...

  • Help restore Memorial Avenue of Flags

    Oct 3, 2024

    As many of you know, our beloved Memorial Avenue of Flags, a cherished tribute to those who have served our country, suffered significant damage during the recent windstorm on Flag Day. The flags and poles, which stand as symbols of honor and remembrance, were torn and displaced, leaving our community’s heart a little less bright. The Memorial Avenue of Flags has always been a place for reflection, gratitude, and pride. It is not only a tribute to our veterans but also a gathering point for commemorative events that bring us together as a c...

  • National Suicide Prevention month

    Sep 12, 2024

    by Jennifer Cheney, HSC Community Prevention Specialist September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time for us to come together, raise awareness, and demonstrate that no one has to face their struggles alone. Let us use this month as an opportunity to engage in open conversations about mental health, to offer our support to those in need, and to work towards preventing suicides in our community. During this month, and throughout the year, we can create hope in our families and in our community by educating ourselves about...

  • Arts course available to citizens 55 years and older

    Aug 29, 2024

    by Allison Wrye, WPH Activities Director Wyoming State Library, Lifetime Arts, Creative Aging and the Wyoming Pioneer Home (WPH) is pleased to announce our 2024 Program “Storytelling through Clay”. There are still a few spots left to participate in this 8-week course for individuals 55 years and older will draw inspiration from personal narratives and craft their own artistic creation. The final product will be displayed at the culminating art show. This class is offered free through a grant by Califa, Wyoming State Library and Lifetime Art...

  • Arts course available to citizens 55 years and older

    Aug 22, 2024

    by Allison Wrye, WPH Activities Director Wyoming State Library, Lifetime Arts, Creative Aging and the Wyoming Pioneer Home (WPH) is pleased to announce our 2024 Program “Storytelling through Clay”. This 8-week course for individuals 55 years and older will draw inspiration from personal narratives and craft their own artistic creation. The final product will be displayed at the culminating art show. This class is offered free through a grant by Califa, Wyoming State Library and Lifetime Arts. We ask that attendance be a priority as each cla...

  • Critical need for blood donors

    Aug 15, 2024

    by Tori Robbins, Communications Manager for Vitalant in Wyoming We have a blood drive coming up in your community and we are looking for some extra support. Appointments are low going into this blood drive and there is currently a critical need for Type O+ and O- donors, as well as an urgent need for all other blood types. The Thermopolis Community Blood Drive is Tuesday, September 3 from 2-6 p.m. and Wednesday, September 4 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center, 206 Senior Ave For an appointment contact Annie at (406)...

  • The VFW needs you

    Aug 1, 2024

    by Mike Berry The VFW Post 2281 is in need of “a few good men” and/or women to serve as staff in the dining and kitchen theaters. We have been successful in securing the front lines on the financial sector by expanding into a bar & grill zone and thereby being able to serve a larger segment of the public. Unfortunately, this has had the effect of increasing the strain on our staff. While they are dedicated to the Post and their service to it, they are only human! Perhaps Super-human to some degree, but basically human like the rest of us. In...

  • Let us help promote your upcoming event

    Jun 20, 2024

    Members of our community work hard to put on all sorts of worthwhile events that attract a variety of groups and subject matter. Different organizations hold fundraisers, fun activities and other amazing opportunities to gather together. People need to know your event is happening. There are a variety of ways to get the word out, but please consider your local newspaper as an effective way to promote your event. People pay for this newspaper, which means they read it. Please know we here at the Independent Record do not get our news from...

  • Honoring the American Flag

    Jun 13, 2024

    by Lara Love On Friday, June 14 the 1890’s Riders, with the assistance of other community volunteers, will be putting up the Avenue of Flags at Monument Hill Cemetery in honor of Flag Day. We believe this is the first year the Flags have went up on this particular holiday. A letter to the editor on this page gives a detailed history of Flag Day and its importance. I fly a American Flag at my house daily, as do many others in this community and across this great country. Surprisingly to me, occasionally when I tell people I proudly fly Old G...

  • What is QPR?

    May 30, 2024

    Submitted by Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition What is QPR? “Question, Persuade, Refer” Warning: This article discusses suicide. QPR stands for “Question, Persuade, Refer” and it’s used to intervene to prevent suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Here in Thermopolis, the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition is committed to traini...

  • Valedictorian reminds classmates to live in the moment

    May 23, 2024

    by Seth Needham Good Afternoon everyone It’s an honor to stand in front of you as we celebrate our graduation. As your valedictorian I am grateful for the time I have shared with you all, and I am excited to see where life takes us. Earlier this week, as I was writing this speech, I realized how fast time passes and if you don’t slow down, it will go on with out you. This is my last argument so get ready. Whatever you guys think about time passing is wrong. It actually goes the same speed for everyone at every age, some people just choose to...

  • Salutatorian: There's so much this world can offer you

    May 23, 2024

    by Aiden Freeman Hello Everyone! How are you doing? My name is Aidan Freeman, and I am your 2024 Salutatorian. I want to thank you all for giving me your time, attention, and the opportunity to speak in front of you. Because I don’t want to take too long with this speech, I would like to share something rather small and simple that’s been in my mind - how powerful learning really is. I know, you’ve been lectured enough about the importance of learning, I’m sure you’re sick of it by now! But there is a lot more to learning than school makes it...

  • It's OK to talk about mental health issues

    May 23, 2024

    by Kelly Strampe, HSC Prevention Coalition It’s OK to not be OK, and it’s OK to talk about It … Or is It? “It’s OK to not be OK” is a common slogan in mental health awareness. It’s a powerful statement that recognizes and normalizes the experience of struggling, feeling overwhelmed, or not being at one’s best. It emphasizes that even negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or frustration are part of being human. Adding “it’s OK to talk about it” adds an interesting twist to the slogan. That’s a pretty bold statement for a small town like T...

  • Mental Health Action Day

    May 16, 2024

    by the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition On Thursday, May 16th, folks around the globe will participate in Mental Health Action Day. The day was established to transform mental health awareness into action. This year’s theme is ‘connection.’ We are hoping for a coordinated effort among businesses, organizations, advocacy groups, schools, individuals, and leaders to join together to inspire and engage one another to take real action to help us all feel more connected to ourselves, to each other, and to our community. We are encouraging eve...

  • Share your ideas for potential drinking water sources

    May 16, 2024

    A public meeting seeking information concerning potential drinking water sources, water needs and contact information for interested parties in the area will be held Wednesday, May 22 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Annex, 327 Arapahoe. The Wyoming Water Development Commission, Hot Springs County Supply Evaluation Level II Study provides the opportunity to identify and evaluate options to supply Hot Springs County residents with drinking water. You can participate by attending the meeting, taking a survey at...

  • Hot Springs Health warns community to beware of scam phone calls

    Dec 28, 2023

    Hot Springs Health has recently been made aware of our main hospital number (307) 864-3121 being used in an attempt to scam members of the community. The caller ID shows the call coming from the hospital. During the call, the person on the phone misrepresents themselves as an employee or representative of the hospital, and asks for personal information including Social Security Numbers, Medicare ID numbers, and other personal information. The caller may attempt to use an unpaid hospital bill as an excuse to gain this information. While the...

  • Get your eyes checked

    Oct 26, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD If you ever played baseball, you may have been told to “keep your eye on the ball.” When batting, a baseball player is taught to watch the ball the entire time from when it leaves the pitcher’s hand to when, hopefully, their bat smacks the ball for a hit. It may sound simple, but some pitchers can throw fast and sometimes they throw a curveball. Great hitters use their vision and spot the difference, helping them get a hit. Lose focus, and in the blink of an eye the pitch has whipped past them for a strike. Like keepi...

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