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  • How to know what you are looking for

    Jan 24, 2019

    Imagine how hard it must be to look for “something” when you really have no idea what that “something” looks like. Take the situation at our high school and the JUUL. Do you know what it is? Do you know what it looks like? This takes the proverbial needle in a haystack to a completely different level when you’re not even sure what that needle looks like. As parents and grandparents we are often woefully behind the times when it comes to the latest trends with teens. We’re fairly on-point when it comes to things we can see, like telling tha...

  • Celebrating our industry

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jan 24, 2019

    This past weekend was the 2019 Wyoming Press Association Winter Convention in Cheyenne. The annual event is something I look forward to every year, and not just for the opportunity to stay in a fancy hotel and eat catered meals for a couple days. Each year, I and the rest of the staff at The Independent Record go through the articles we’ve written and the photos we’ve taken, submitting them to various categories for a chance at the Pacemaker awards given out every year. Additionally, there are...

  • Dear mom and dad: Cool it

    Karissa Niehoff and Ron Laird|Jan 24, 2019

    If you are the mother or father of a high school athlete here in Wyoming, this message is primarily for you. When you attend an athletic event that involves your son or daughter, cheer to your heart’s content, enjoy the camaraderie that high school sports offer and have fun. But when it comes to verbally criticizing game officials or coaches, cool it. Make no mistake about it. Your passion is admired, and your support of the hometown team is needed. But so is your self-control. Yelling, screaming and berating the officials humiliates your c...

  • Harold Junior Bendlin

    Jan 24, 2019

    Harold Junior Bendlin, 80, passed away Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019, at Central Wyoming Hospice in Casper. A rosary is scheduled for Friday evening at St. Francis Catholic Church. A Mass of Christian Burial is planned for Saturday. Times had not been set at press time. A full obituary will run in next week’s Thermopolis Independent Record.... Full story

  • Getting behind the town

    Jan 17, 2019

    When the New Year rolls in, it’s often accompanied with the hope that this year will be better than the last. Unfortunately, a new year doesn’t mean all the bad news from the previous gets suddenly whisked away and we start over with a clean slate. It seems lately that there’s been more and more bad news in the national and, unfortunately, quite a bit on the state and local level. There’s trouble in the schools, on the borders, at the capitol. But, as the saying goes “things are always the darkest before the dawn,” and we can help bring that...

  • Keep an eye on the goal

    Rex Clothier|Jan 17, 2019

    Recently I received a Christmas card from Marty (Martin when not in the wrestling room). Marty was assigned to me as a project. He was about 6’2” and weighed in at 185 lbs. He was a senior, and in three years of wrestling, he had won an average of two matches per year. Oh, and by the way, he was the only black student in the reservation school at which his mother taught, and he was in the Special Education program. We worked to provide Marty moves that would be effective for him. Repetition of a few moves helped him to be more successful, and...

  • Take that brave step forward

    Jan 10, 2019

    Earlier this week Thermopolis and Hot Springs County experienced a changing of the guard of sorts with the swearing in of all the new folks elected last November. With this new year we are also looking at a new chance to come together for the betterment of our community. We have new people in top positions in law enforcement. New judges donning black robes. While the faces aren’t new, there has been some shuffling of those in charge or working in different departments in the courthouse and Town Hall. No community is perfect, but with these c...

  • This country has lost its backbone

    Jared Johnson|Jan 10, 2019

    Since 2008 when the big banks were bailed out there’s been some very interesting things that have taken place in this country. I would like to take some time and speak from a voice that I like to call the voice of truth. The voice of truth knows no bounds and it doesn’t stay confined to a box, it speaks wildly from the soul of the earth, from the dirt, the dust and the ash. This country has lost its backbone and the only person to blame is the ones that have allowed it to happen. I blame it on the generation after the baby boomers. The generati...

  • Many organizations, but can we get a theme?

    PE Straley|Jan 10, 2019

    The IR wrote about updates to the Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, Thermop Spark, WY Business Council & Thermop Main Street all whom are working on pro- grams to promote Thermopolis-with the result of getting grants for flowerbeds, lighting & a sign? Good start. But I have a suggestion. Thermopolis needs a THEME to make the lighting & signs more worthwhile. People come here for the WATER. Every new development/mural/billboard/remodel job/ or online presence we carry out should focus on fun with water, & a smattering of dinosaurs as well....

  • The sun will come out

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jan 10, 2019

    The planet is coming back around on its annual journey, to those glorious days when we get a little bit more sun and still have some light to drive when the workday is over. It also means the snow we received over the holidays is now turning to slush and making the streets and highways a bit more difficult to drive on. But don’t let that stop you from going out and taking advantage of the longer days. With some snow still on the ground it’s a good opportunity to put up a snowman, igloo or oth...

  • Setting the record straight

    Jan 3, 2019

    What a week it’s been. Aside from the dump of snow we got for the New Year, as well as the resulting drifts, here at The Independent Record we’ve had a storm of a different kind. Last week, a town employee presented us with Contribution Report documents regarding a political candidate and accused us of making illegal campaign contributions. The accuser also feels a local business made illegal contributions as well. The Independent Record has not, did not and will not make campaign contributions to any candidate. The small business being acc... Full story

  • Lack of snow removal questioned

    Joe Stringer|Jan 3, 2019

    I want to complain about the snow removal on our street. Richards Street, between 9th and 10th has a pile of snow in the middle of the street since the snow in late November. It is blocking people’s ability to get from one side of the street to the other without having to go down or up the next block. It blocks part of the LDS church. Maybe the city doesn’t care about its residents in this part of town?...

  • I'm not a quitter

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 3, 2019

    I’m proud to say, I’m not a quitter. That’s why you won’t hear me say anything about New Year’s resolutions. Why start something I know I’ll never finish? Let’s face it, I love my chips, sweet tea and chocolate way too much to give them up for a measly 10 pounds. There would have to be something really serious involved for me to pass on cheesecake, too. I suppose I could vow to do something simple that doesn’t include depriving myself, like reading a book a week for the year. Fifty-two books...

  • Looking forward to 2019

    Dec 27, 2018

    In a few short days we will be faced with a book filled with blank pages – 2019. Each new year is our chance to leave behind the previous year and fill those blank pages with new memories. Some of us will make resolutions with the finest of intentions, like losing weight, stopping smoking or even making amends with family and friends. Of course, there is also the portion of us that, while we may have good intentions, will let those resolutions slide before January is even over. We need to keep in mind that forgetting about our New Year’s res...

  • Angels stop to help

    Pastor Chuck and Sharon Cooper|Dec 27, 2018

    This past week we had one of those experiences that renewed my faith in those around me. We were driving through the canyon just after sunset. I hit a large rock I did not see, which tore a large hole in my front right tire. I was only about two yards away from the canyon wall, but was fortunate in being able to bring the car to a stop without hitting anything. After stopping the car, we also were fortunate to have a turn out on the opposite side of the highway. We got out of the car to begin the process of changing the flat tire. Three angels...

  • Taking a bit of time

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Dec 27, 2018

    It’s strange to think that we’re nearly into 2019 already. When I was in school, it seemed like the 21st century was so far away and couldn’t get here soon enough, especially with Hollywood, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera promising all the wondrous things it would bring. Flying cars? Nope. Accurate weather forecasts? Sort of. Houses with treadmills on the outside? No way. Hoverboards? Well, we’re getting there. Artificially intelligent robots? We’re making big steps, but the excitemen...

  • To all a good night

    Dec 20, 2018

    We’re sure you’ll notice a little extra bulk in your paper this week, thanks to our annual printing of the Letters to Santa. While it’s quite a busy time at the Thermopolis Independent Record getting all those letters typed up — mistakes and all — before they’re shipped on to the North Pole, it’s also one of the best. Reading over the wishes of our community’s youth helps revive some of that Christmas Spirit when it’s less than a week from the big day and holiday shopping has run us down. Even though our fingers might get tired, our hearts get...

  • Making memories

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 20, 2018

    In just a few days, Santa will be making his annual trek around the globe and boys and girls everywhere will be leaving milk and cookies beside the tree before drifting off, dreaming of what they will find in the morning. While we all remember at least one special Christmas as a child, as we grow older our lists become shorter and our understanding of the season becomes more clear. I remember being under foot helping my grandmother make fudge and divinity, little sugar candies with walnuts,...

  • Do your part

    Dec 13, 2018

    As we begin hanging our stockings with care, wrapping presents and dreaming of a white Christmas, there are those right here in our community that will not be having a Merry Christmas without our help. The Department of Family Services (DFS) has a tree at Thermop Hardware filled with tags from our children who are in dire need of some Christmas gifts. When it comes to our friends and family, we have no problem spending our hard-earned dollars to make sure they have the newest technology, an expensive sweater or maybe a new piece of jewelry....

  • Bright lights, small city

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Dec 13, 2018

    It seems that Christmas and the holiday season gets here faster and faster each year. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, as it means more time with family, shared meals, gifts and cuddles under a warm blanket. But as everyone knows, it can also get pretty hectic with all the shopping going on. I’m still not done, and probably won’t be until the 23rd, but the other night I was able to take in one of the calmer aspects of the season — the lights. One thing about Thermopolis when Thanksg...

  • You don't have to go far

    Dec 6, 2018

    The leftovers of turkey and sides have dwindled and the snow’s sticking around a lot more, sure signs that we are well into the holiday shopping season. For those who put off fulfilling those wish lists until the few remaining weeks of the year, you don’t need to worry about travelling along busy and sometimes treacherous highways to get what you need. Sure, the official Shop Small Saturday has already come and gone, but there’s still plenty of time to take advantage of what we have locally before heading to the big box stores. And recen...

  • To those clearing the way

    Pam Kerr and Sadie|Dec 6, 2018

    As one of many Thermopolis residents who utilize our residential sidewalks all year around I, along with my four-footed personal trainer, would like to say “thank you” to all of you who keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice this time of year (with 10 inches of snow already, this is no easy task). “Thank you” also to the ATV and snow shovel angels who clear sidewalks for their neighborhood and for those who may be physically unable to accomplish this themselves. Your time and effort that enables us to stay upright is greatly appreci...

  • A season of arrival

    Rex Clothier|Dec 6, 2018

    Thinking back to long ago Christmas seasons which usually started about the second week of December for most families, I’ve realized that those days were as joyous as they were for more than one reason. I wasn’t quite sure of the Santa Claus thing, but I was sure that my Daddy was on his way home after four long years of prayers that my mother never missed. Though I scarcely remembered him, I knew he was very special because anyone that meant so much to Mom had to be special. His return ran a “close as a whisker” race with that newborn in Beth...

  • Christmas tree is still standing

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Dec 6, 2018

    Granted, we’re still a few weeks away from Christmas, but so far I’ve been really lucky in regards to my Christmas tree and my...cats. You’ve probably seen videos of nefarious fur balls eating ornaments, gnawing their way through light strings and even knocking the entire holiday beauty to the ground. I’ve had cats through the years who have done just that. “Fish” (yes, the cat was named Fish) was notorious for climbing up the center of the tree and peeking out at me from between the branche...

  • Have a little patience

    Nov 29, 2018

    Old Man Winter certainly set the weather forecasters on their ear Saturday, proving once again that you can predict all you want to, but the reality is an inch of snow can turn into way more if you live in Wyoming. Now is the time to remember “patience is a virtue” as we wait for streets to be cleared. Although the Town of Thermopolis crews were out doing their best on Saturday afternoon, there was just so much snow at once that it made things difficult at best. Yes, there are piles of snow all along Broadway from the stop light to the rai...

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