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  • Enjoy the warm days safely

    Jun 17, 2021

    For more than a year, we were stuck inside, away from our friends and families. There was the pandemic to deal with, to protect ourselves from. Then along came winter, and we were further isolated and kept indoors. Spring crept in at its own pace, then suddenly in the last week, summer opened the door on its blast furnace. We love it, missed it and couldn’t wait to get out in it. But the combination of a long layoff without being active outside and the sudden spike in temperatures can create its own problems. Data from the National Oceanic a...

  • Board accepting bids for new school bus drop off lane

    Jun 17, 2021

    After multiple years of consideration, the Hot Springs County Board of Trustees approved going out for bid on a new bus drop off that will serve Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary students next fall. The new bus drop off lane would encompass the school district property on the south end of the track that is currently the wooden play park and would increase student safety, reduce traffic congestion in the current bus drop off, and improve bus traffic flow to main streets. Other benefits would include reduced maintenance...

  • Of the People, By the People, For the People

    Jun 17, 2021

    Last week’s Letter to the Editor “Wyoming is in a crisis” included several issues, one being the allegation that Trump would have been re-elected “if Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin had followed the national constitution instead of their ‘revised state constitutions’ concerning national elections,” and then conflates the popular vote with electoral votes. Unfortunately, that is incorrect. States alone determine how electors are chosen (Art 2, Sec 1, US Constitution) and whether they must follow the popular vote results for...

  • Your view

    Jun 10, 2021

    We are excited to see this page full of letters to the editor with our readers expressing their views on a variety of topics. As you read these letters, please remember that you also have the right to express your views. We welcome your opinions on issues affecting our community, our state and our country. Our readers include people with a variety of political beliefs, a wide range of ages and different lifestyles. Letters to the editor will all be printed as long as they meet the guidelines below and are not found to be libel in nature. So,...

  • Wyoming is in a crisis

    Jun 10, 2021

    The people of Wyoming - smart people who voted for the good of Wyoming and our country - voted Trump. He would have probably been re-elected if Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin had followed the national constitution instead of their “revised state constitutions” concerning national elections. Congress should mandate law so that all states follow the national voting regulations on their electoral votes when it’s a national position. He was not convicted, but we must realize their agenda was to do just that so he could no lo...

  • Our liberties are under attack

    Jun 10, 2021

    Editors note: This speech was given by Charles Cooper during the Memorial Day Service for Liberty and then submitted as a letter to the editor. Today we come to remember not only all those who sacrificed much for the cause of liberty. On July 4, 1776, a dream was visualized in the Declaration of Independence that the United States would give all its people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This new nation grew up with many growing pains. This new republic, though flawed, had a vision different from most nations. It was...

  • Something is 'a fowl' here

    Jun 10, 2021

    Something is “a fowl” here and it’s not backyard chickens. I’m not even saying I am right in every incident or presentation, however we need to be on the same page if we are to arrive at place of advancing the prosperity and well being of this town and all the people in this town. We’re just not having the same conversation. In the same meeting where I mentioned a family (in downtown Los Angeles) that makes $20,000 / year off of the same amount of property I currently possess, (using 5 chickens, 2 Goats and a few ducks), there was a request f...

  • Summer's coming

    Jun 3, 2021

    The Hot Springs County High School parking lot was full of players and spectators for the Thermopolis 3-on-3 Saturday and Sunday. The event, sponsored by the Bobcat Booster Club, reportedly had around 100 teams that competed. This weekend, the Thermopolis Brewfest will be downtown and will feature family fun and several breweries offering up their beers for those 21 years and older. Next weekend there will be a WJRA rodeo at the fairgrounds with local youths and youths from around the state competing from bragging rights and awards. On...

  • Colonial Pipeline shutdown shows need to guard against cyber attacks

    May 27, 2021

    Earlier this month, hackers collected $4.4 million in ransom after pulling off a cyber-attack that forced the temporary shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline. The shutdown was no small matter. The pipeline delivers about 45% of the gasoline consumed on the East Coast, according to The Associated Press. Not surprisingly, we witnessed panic-buying and shortages. While the halt in supply lasted only a matter of days, the fact that the cyber attackers received a ransom suggests that others with nefarious purposes will make similar attempts to extort...

  • Wyo Wednesday and Thermopolis Brewfest

    May 27, 2021

    by Suzanne Samelson Spring and being outside continues to be on our minds. Think Wyo Wednesday on June 2. Think Thermopolis Brewfest on Saturday, June 5. The June Wyo Wednesday theme from the Wyoming Business Council is “Outside Opportunities” and the month of June is shaping up with many outside opportunities and events locally. June 2 is a perfect day to stroll and shop in downtown and all around the town and Hot Springs County. Enjoy the results from the town-wide clean-up efforts this past week, which included Main Street Thermopolis vol...

  • Paying people not to work is 'un-American'

    May 20, 2021

    by Greg Johnson, Gillette News Record What began as a critical benefit for people directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved to become an obstacle in our social and economic recovery. The CARES Act of 2020 was an unprecedented move to bolster economies at the national, state and local levels, and a critical part of that was a weekly $600 supplemental unemployment benefit. For many who suddenly lost their jobs because of the pandemic, the money was the difference between keeping their families treading water or drowning during a frig...

  • Celebrate the graduates

    May 13, 2021

    On Sunday, May 16, 43 Hot Springs County High School gradutating seniors will receive their diplomas and wrap up their public school career. There will be an in person graduation held in the high school gymnasium at 2 p.m. The school district has announced that seating in the gym is intended for family and invited guests of the Class of 2021. If that does not include you and you would still like to celebrate the Class of 2021, don’t fret. There will be a Parade of Graduates taking place at noon on Sunday. Family, friends, neighbors and all c...

  • Three cheers for Superintendent Balow

    May 13, 2021

    I could not be more proud of the courageous stand Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow took in defying the introduction of the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory in Wyoming schools. As a Sheridan County School District #3 school board member and mother of 2 future Wyoming students, I stand with the overwhelming majority of Wyoming parents; we love America and our heritage. We know that tomorrow’s leaders fill our school rooms. They must be equipped with absolute truth and guided by wisdom, not indoctrinated by the claims of s...

  • Chamber foundation receives 501(c)3 status

    May 13, 2021

    by Meri Ann Rush Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Foundation On August 13, 2020 the Board of Directors for the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce voted to create a foundation. The work began to establish a board of directors, bylaw, articles of incorporation and on October 8, 2020 the paperwork was submitted to the IRS to create a non-profit. On April 12, 2021 the foundation received a letter confirming the creation of the 501(c)3, which allows the foundation to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers and gifts....

  • Downtown parking

    May 6, 2021

    Where do you park a horse trailer, boat, camper or RV in downtown Thermopolis? We often have people in long vehicles park in front of the IR during business hours and see them do the same across the street in front of the Town Hall. Often, they travel in pairs and can take up as many as six to eight parking spaces. Customers of the IR and the Town Hall then have to park fairly far from our buildings, making it hard for some, especially senior citizens. Last summer, the driver of a truck pulling a horse trailer parked right in the lane of...

  • We the People are sick and tired

    May 6, 2021

    From President Joe Biden’s Speech: “That’s the essence of America. That’s democracy in action.” Our Constitution opens with the words, “We the People”. It’s time we remembered that We the People are the government. You and I. Not some force in a distant capital. Excuse me Mister President, you are the figurehead of that force in a far distant capital, and it is time that the cabal of elitist who control our government learn that “We the People” are sick and tired of their continual lust for power to the detriment of our country, our Consti...

  • Events are a go

    Apr 29, 2021

    After experiencing a year of shutting down, covering up and staying home, it’s safe to say many of us are thankful that things are returning to normal. Last week the Hot Springs County Commissioners voted to disband the Incident Command Team that was formed in response to COVID. During discussion on the matter, commissioner Jack Baird said “Back to normal life.” Local events are being held and many are being planned throughout the summer. The 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament is scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend and the Brewfest is set for the foll...

  • Facebook is taking away our freedoms

    Apr 29, 2021

    Recently I was blocked by Facebook for violating their “Community standards”. They didn’t say what offended them. I asked, but they still did not say. The playbook is easy to follow: discourage the free exchange of thought in the public forum, education, media and publications. They are finding ways to stop people from gathering, especially in the worship of God. They want to discourage people from being able to defend themselves. They want to control every aspect of life. Their actions have murdered liberty. On Memorial Day at high noon,...

  • Shop local on Wyo. Wednesday

    Apr 29, 2021

    by Suzanne Samelson Spring is on our minds and in the air. Think Wyo Wednesday on May 5. Think Downtown Cleanup on Wednesday, May 19. Wyo Wednesday is part of the Wyoming Business Council’s state-wide campaign to promote shopping local. The first Wednesday of this month is a perfect day to visit our shops and restaurants and be on the lookout for ideal gifts for Mother’s Day. Whether it is a gift certificate or Chamber Bucks, a unique locally crafted item, special food and drink offerings, or gardening supplies, explore and find something spe...

  • Wyoming needs real leadership to address school funding issue

    Apr 22, 2021

    When the final bell rang on this year’s legislative session, state leaders failed to turn in their assignment. Instead, they asked for yet another extension on work that was due a long time ago: addressing Wyoming’s school funding shortfall. The issue, at its essence, is this: Wyoming’s fossil fuel industry can no longer provide the revenue to sustain the state’s existing K-12 education system. State leaders know this, but have failed to devise a viable solution, whether that’s new revenue, sizable cuts or some combination of the two. Nor...

  • Joining the lawsuit was a good thing

    Apr 15, 2021

    Two weeks ago, the state of Wyoming filed a lawsuit challenging the moratorium on oil and gas leasing on federal lands issued by President Joe Biden and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. We applaud the decision to file suit. Basically, the suit claims the executive order by the president violates several federal acts including those dealing with environmental issues, administrative procedures and land policy management. While it is not specifically stated in the lawsuit, the basic premise for the suit is the moratorium on oil and gas...

  • Clean up after yourselves

    Apr 15, 2021

    I would like to address a growing issue related to recreational target shooting on public land. Shooters need to clean up their targets, empty brass, shotshell hulls, food and beverage containers, etc. If you have time to pack it in, you should also have time to pack it out. Also, never ever shoot glass targets unless you are on your own private land. Broken glass can injure humans, pets, livestock and wildlife not to mention flattening tires. Lastly, exploding targets using tannerite-type products should only be used where the ground is...

  • It is bear season, be alert

    Apr 8, 2021

    The first bear was spotted out of hibernation in Yellowstone National Park about two weeks ago. That means the bear season has begun and residents need to shake off their own sleepiness about living in the same region as these bruins — both grizzly and black bears. There are the usual warnings to heed, such as being noisy when going into bear habitat. Wear a bell on a saddle girth, or on a belt loop. Stop and call out “Hey bear” frequently. Carry bear spray and know how to use it effectively. Travel in groups rather than alone. Pay atten...

  • Glad for follow up article on dumpsters

    Apr 8, 2021

    I read with interest the article on dumpster replacement and am very glad the town has a nest egg in place for dealing with such emergencies. Very wise indeed. We still don’t know what the full financial impact is going to be throughout the entire country of the thousands of businesses going under and countless people losing jobs due to the extraordinary measures put in place due to the COVID situation. Already some people’s budgets are stretched to the limit by the seemingly endless increases in everything imaginable. We need to keep this in...

  • Do the right thing

    Apr 1, 2021

    In the six years since former Gov. Matt Mead began championing expanding Medicaid in the state, much has changed – including the state’s financial house and the hearts and minds of some state senators and representatives. In opposing previous attempts to expand Medicaid coverage in the state expansion, many state lawmakers were fearful that the federal government would pull out of its 90% federal match for newly covered individuals, leaving Wyoming with the bill. The latest attempt at expansion ensures the state would withdraw from the fed...

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