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  • Wyoming families personal wealth is under attack attack by Biden Plan

    Sep 30, 2021

    by Scott W. Meier Wyoming Bankers Association (WBA) Few things are more private than your household finances. In his American Families Plan, President Biden unveiled a tax compliance initiative aimed at closing the gap between taxes that are owed and what are paid. Most of the anticipated revenue, which the Administration estimated at $460 billion over 10 years, would come from requiring financial institutions to report account information that Treasury says would be similar to W-2 reporting for wages and other income reporting. The proposal,...

  • The art of turning a discussion into a word war

    Sep 23, 2021

    As children, many of us are taught a simple golden rule - If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. Many seem to have thrown that golden rule out of the window, backed up and ran over it. Constructive discussion and feedback are healthy in our society. However, name calling, personal attacks and intentional hateful comments are becoming more and more acceptable, especially on social media. Most of us have seen a post or comment that has turned into an all out word war. People reading a word war, even if they don’t have a str...

  • Patriotism is more powerful than politics

    Sep 16, 2021

    by Greg Johnson As somber, respectful and emotional commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks occurred on Saturday, we wondered why we go to such lengths to remember something so horrible. It’s certainly easier to bury and ignore the unpleasant than to go out of our way to relive it again. It’s simple. We remember days like the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the space shuttle Challenger exploding and 9/11 so they may never be repeated. It’s why these events, as Pr...

  • Appreciation for hospital staff article

    Sep 16, 2021

    I appreciated reading your article outlining the hospital staff’s appeal to the Hot Springs Health board. After doing my own research on the efficacy and safety of the current vaccines, I too have decided to remain “unvaxed.” None of them prevent disease or provide immunity and their side effects have been harming too many formerly healthy people - even causing sudden death; which ironically are deaths officially counted as ‘not fully vaccinated’ because the person did not survive both shots and live two weeks after the final one. It’s insa...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 9, 2021

    We appreciate receiving letters to the editor and regard them as our readers’ opportunity to improve our community, express their beliefs and communicate through the Thermopolis Independent Record. We want to give the people of Hot Springs County the opportunity to read those views as well as voice them. Recently, some confusion has occurred regarding our letter to the editor policy. One letter writer believed there should be no policy and all letters should run regardless of length or content. This editorial is to clarify our letter to the e...

  • Let's think constitutionally

    Sep 2, 2021

    Americans typically consider questions about the meaning of the Constitution through the prism of their political views and values. As a consequence, they tend to defend as constitutional the acts of officials whom they support, and criticize as unconstitutional the acts of those representatives whom they oppose. This approach implies that the meaning of the Constitution turns on whose ox is being gored. Politics, partisanship and party affiliation are the controlling levers of constitutional understandings. This method of constitutional...

  • September is National Preparedness Month

    Sep 2, 2021

    National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. The 2021 theme is ‘Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.’ During National Preparedness Month and throughout the year, Hot Springs County encourages all community members to take a proactive approach in personal preparedness. As the nation continues to respond to COVID-19, there is no better time to be involved this September. Wyo...

  • Back to school

    Aug 26, 2021

    Hot Springs County School District students have returned to school and are settling into their daily schedules. This is such an exciting time for students, parents and teachers. For some students, it is also filled with anxiety and a little bit of fear. Parents, please be patient with your children as they get used to their new teachers, classmates and daily routines. Some kids, and even some parents, may be a bit distracted as they travel to and from school. It is important for all drivers to slow down in all school zones. Parents with...

  • Health officer provides COVID information

    Aug 26, 2021

    As predicted, COVID has spiked again both here in Hot Springs County and in the rest of the country. Those falling ill, being hospitalized, and dying are mostly those who are not vaccinated. Those who are vaccinated may still get COVID again, but the course is generally milder. Masking, social distancing, and other measures were all we had until vaccines were available. We now have three effective COVID vaccines in this country. No vaccine of any sort is 100% safe and effective, but these COVID vaccines are remarkably safe and effective. The... Full story

  • We need more public discussion on how to spend stimulus funding

    Aug 19, 2021

    The latest round of federal stimulus funding represents both an opportunity and a potential pitfall for Wyoming. The opportunity comes in the form of $1.2 billion in federal funds that don’t have to be spent for years, providing the state money to address critical needs, especially at a time when Wyoming’s traditional revenue sources have become less reliable. The possible pitfall stems from the fact that with so much money floating around, there’s a danger that state leaders don’t end up spending it effectively. One of the most importa...

  • Only certainty of vaccine mandates? A further divided America

    Aug 12, 2021

    A few weeks agao, news organizations reported incidents of vaccine mandates handed down in New York City and California. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced vaccine mandates for employees. The Department of Justice also recently announced its conclusion that federal law does not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines, even those under emergency authorization. Then, President Joe Biden announced a vaccine mandate for all federal employees. If employees refuse the vaccine, they will face...

  • Biden's land grab - the federal policy for intentional decline

    Aug 12, 2021

    by Harriet Hageman One thing that can be safely said about the Biden Administration is that when you think they could not become even more extreme, they make clear that you underestimate them at your peril. Take President Biden’s Executive Order 14008, entitled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” Buried on page 9, is Section 216, with the heading, “Conserving Our Nation’s Lands and Waters,” the goal of which is to develop a plan to “conserve at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.” Known as the “30x30” program...

  • Masks will not be required when school begins

    Aug 12, 2021

    Greetings HSCSD #1 Patrons, On August 4, I participated in a ZOOM meeting with all superintendents in the state of Wyoming, the Wyoming Department of Education, and State Epidemiologist Dr. Alexia Harrist. Communities throughout Wyoming have been anxiously awaiting information regarding which precautionary measures will be in place for the 2021-2022 school year in regards to COVID- 19. Masks: Masks will not be required as a public health order for the start of the school year. The Centers for Disease Control has again recommended masks indoors...

  • Gone too soon

    Aug 5, 2021

    It wasn’t supposed to end this way. After 42 years in elected office, the last 24 in Congress, Mike Enzi said farewell to the U.S. Senate earlier this year. At 77 years of age, retirement was overdue, and in addition to a little hunting and fishing, he most looked forward to time with his family. “I was able to see my kids grow up before I went in the Senate,” he told the Gillette News Record when he announced in May 2019 that he planned to retire. “Now I want some grandkid time.” Unfortunately, life is uncertain, and what Mr. Enzi no doubt...

  • Get ready for some fun

    Jul 29, 2021

    The Hot Springs County Fair starts Saturday with the youth horse show and continues through the next week. And this year, all events are a go. Along with all the livestock shows there will be pig wrestling, family fun night and the chili cook off will be going on. Finishing off fair week on Friday, this year the Judges Choice Bake Sale will be sold during a silent auction followed by the pre-sale buyers dinner and the junior livestock auction. Moving into Saturday and Sunday the town will be packed for the Gift of the Waters Pageant and...

  • Response to erosion project questions

    Jul 29, 2021

    In response to the “Streambank Erosion Project questioned” letter to the editor in the July 15, 2021, Independent Record, I would like to clarify some points. All Hot Spring Conservation District and NRCS projects are brought to the two organizations by the landowner and 100% voluntary. The landowner comes to us with a problem and we try our best to help them. The Russian olive trees were removed by Hot Springs Weed and Pest at the landowner’s request because they were placed on the Wyoming Designated Noxious Weed List in 2006. The prese...

  • Gift of the Waters

    Jul 22, 2021

    The end of July and into August is packed with events in Hot Springs County. An event coming up the first weekend of August is the Gift of the Waters Pageant. The pageant celebrates a very important gift for Hot Springs County and past, present and future community members. In case you are one of the several residents who may not be familiar with the reason for the pageant, the following is taken from the pageant program and explains the history of the Big Spring and the reason for the Gift of the Waters Pageant. by Jessie L. Duhig Moccasined...

  • It's time to start thinking about public office

    Jul 15, 2021

    A straw poll conducted informally over an evening refreshment among friends (you know the kind) recently revealed that many people have grown sick of politics. The bickering, the divisiveness and the fluid status of facts have created a weariness with all things elections and politics. It’s time to snap out of it. While the next round of elections won’t take place until 2022, filing begins in just 305 days. That’s right, beginning May 12, 2022, candidates will begin officially declaring their intent to seek public office. Perhaps you will...

  • Streambank Erosion Project questioned

    Jul 15, 2021

    As the closest neighbor to the actual Streambank Erosion Project along the Bighorn River I am surprised at the misinformation that was provided during the Natural Resource Tour regarding this project. Fact, Weed and Pest removed the Russian Olives along the outer bank of an oxbow in the river. Fact, yes the bank without the protection of vegetation began to immediately erode. I have personally watched large parts of the bank fall into the river during high water. I would guess that I have witnessed close to 10’ of bank disappear. Fact, NRCS a...

  • Community support

    Jul 8, 2021

    One of the most amazing things about living in our small town community is the way we pull together when tragedy strikes. Two Hot Springs County High School graduates were recently involved in two separate accidents that sent both of them to ICU units, one in Casper and one in Billings Trevor Stimpson, a class of 2019 HSCHS graduate, had an accident while enjoying a float on the Bighorn River. He had a seizure, fell out of his kayak and went under water. The friend that was with him struggled to get him out of the water and was ultimately helpe...

  • Hot Springs County fire ban

    Jul 8, 2021

    A fire ban was put in place in Hot Springs County as of June 30. Please read the order for your protection. If you have any questions please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (307)864-2622. Rules and Regulations Board of Land Commissioners Chapter 9 Governing Fire Danger Closures Section 1. Authority. This chapter is promulgated under the authority of W.S. 35-9-303. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (a) “Closure” means the imposition of restrictions on, or prohibition of, designated activities within a defined area under the autho...

  • Judges order offers time to lessen pain from leasing ban

    Jul 1, 2021

    Days after taking office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order pausing new oil and gas leases on federal lands. The decision produced immediate concern across Wyoming. The state is heavily reliant on the energy sector — particularly fossil fuels — to fund government services. The industry is also a key source of jobs, both directly and through the myriad welding, machining and transportation companies that serve the industry. While Biden’s order was directed at all states where drilling occurs on federal lands, Wyoming felt its impac...

  • The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020

    Jul 1, 2021

    In the spring of 2020 the Chinese Communists unleashed the COVID-19 Pandemic on the world. The World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, the US Government, China and the so-called free press colluded to suppress its origin, which logic tells me, was the virology lab in Wuhan, China. The American people deserve an explanation as to why the National Institute of Health, and Dr. Fauci, funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab with taxpayer money; and why the US Government, the so-called Free Press, Dr. Anthony Fauci and...

  • A solemn promise

    Jun 24, 2021

    “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” For many of us, the Pledge of Allegiance is the first meaningful thing we ever memorized, and the words are imprinted in our memory through repetition — at school, sporting events, meetings, parades and anywhere else Americans gather in the presence of Old Glory. Because of that repetition, however, the true meaning behind the pledge we make to our flag and the count...

  • CyberWyoming: Scams to be aware of

    Jun 24, 2021

    Following is the weekly CyberWyoming list of active scams in Wyoming. Your Email Account is Full Alert: A Sheridan citizen reported an email notification saying “your email account uses 99% of its capacity.” The email goes on to request that you click a link to increase your email storage. The email was spoofed as the citizen’s real company but was really from and the link actually went to Dasani Water Car Wrap Scam Alert: A Laramie citizen received a text imper...

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