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  • You don't make me cry

    Aug 25, 2022

    by Jill Pertler This weekend I spent time at a class reunion with friends I don’t see every day (but wish I still did.) They were the friends who knew me when. And I knew them in the same way. We were innocent and young. Not yet adults, but on the budding cusp. Growing up together creates an enduring bond that can only come from experiencing pivotal years together. This bond we created has only grown stronger through the years, and I think it is now like a snowball rolling downhill: only getting bigger and stronger. It’s pretty amazing whe...

  • Summer is fading

    Aug 18, 2022

    We have come to the “Dog Days” of summer when the mornings are cool and the afternoons so hot you just want to sit on the porch with the pups and enjoy something cool to drink. It also marks the start of school and before long it will be crisp leaves, flannel shirts and football. These are some of the days we can cherish the most as we kiss the summer good-bye to welcome the beauty of fall. We really have been lucky in Hot Springs County this summer. We have had a number of grass/range fires, but they have been contained fairly quickly. We are...

  • Use your power

    Aug 11, 2022

    Do you think your voice is not powerful? Think again. There is a concept called “The Power of One”. One person can make all the difference in life and in situations. One person can move mountains and that same single person’s power is expressed in voting. Famous leaders of our nation’s past provide us with their sage wisdom. Thomas Jefferson, Former President and one of our Founding Fathers said, “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” It’s election season and many candidates fr...

  • Anxiety

    Aug 11, 2022

    by Tracy Renee Lee Most people do not expect anxiety to be a consequence of loss. After 20 years in the funeral profession, I have come to realize that anxiety is a natural response to loss. Whenever a person undergoes change, anxiety rears itself. A few examples of experiences that cause anxiety would be moving, changing jobs, starting school, taking tests, divorce, loss, and other things that cause a change in your life. Loss is the ultimate life changer and therefore, naturally causes anxiety. I have a dear friend who lost her husband a few...

  • Support our youth

    Aug 4, 2022

    The Hot Springs County Fair is finishing up but you still have the chance to enjoy some of the final events. The Chili Cook Off is tonight (Thursday) at 5 p.m. at the MP Building. Come hungry to sample all the different chili creations and then vote for your favorite. The beef show begins at 6 p.m., also in the MP Building. On Friday the Judges’ Choice Silent Auction Bake Sale starts at 5 p.m. followed by the Junior Livestock Auction beginning at 7 p.m. in the MP Building. Youths of our community work hard on their projects and you can s...

  • Be careful who you vote for

    Aug 4, 2022

    Dr. Martian Luther King, Jr. was right when he said we should judge a person by their character, but it seems good ethics has fallen out of favor. There are more and more people saying it doesn’t matter if they cheat, steal, lie or even kill if the right outcome is achieved. Watch out voting for someone who is willing to compromise good character in order to win, gain power, or get rich. Chuck Cooper...

  • Busy weeks ahead

    Jul 28, 2022

    We are heading into a few weeks packed with a busy schedule of events in Hot Springs County. The Wagonhound Off-road event will be held July 29-31. See the article on page 5 of this paper for more information. Saturday morning from 8 a.m.-noon a variety of goods will be available at the Farmers Market downtown next to Bicentennial Park. The County Fair kicks off Saturday with the Youth Horse Show. Next week is filled with other animal shows, building exhibits, shooting events, a ranch rodeo, family fun nite, a chili cook off, the livestock...

  • The student doctor; a complement to patient care

    Jul 28, 2022

    by Kelly Evans-Hullinger, M.D. As a clinical professor at my state’s medical school, I frequently have medical students seeing patients with me in clinic. While the majority of patients are happy to allow student involvement, some decline. This makes me wonder what misconceptions lead patients to be averse to trainees participating at their clinic visits or hospital bedsides. In my experience, the presence of learners has a positive influence on our work in the clinic and hospital. Medical education is a complex, highly intensive program t...

  • Working together to make Hot Springs County great

    Jul 21, 2022

    Hot Springs County and its residents are at a crossroads. What is our vision for our community’s future? If someone moves to our area and tries to get plugged into our community, they quickly find out one of our greatest cultural difficulties: division. Over the years and generations, factions have formed over offenses, misunderstandings and miscommunications. And at the same time, it is safe to say all of us have had the best of intentions. What is the solution? We must remember that a house divided against itself will surely fall. Right n...

  • Cowboy State is full of wonderful loop drives

    Jul 21, 2022

    by Bill Sniffin, Cowboy State Daily Here is a way to get “looped” this summer by enjoying Wyoming’s highways and byways. My definition of a “loop drive” is where you set out for a destination and after you get there, you return home by a different route, forming a loop. The state of Wyoming tourism division along with all the various county lodging boards have set up interesting loop drives. They are everywhere. A favorite loop drive that includes Lander is going to Dubois and Moran Junction, down to Jackson and on to Pinedale. Then you go so...

  • For energy prices to drop, stop threatening companies for producing energy

    Jul 14, 2022

    by Kevin Killough If you traveled over the Fourth of July weekend, you felt the sting of filling up before your trip. Gas prices were down slightly from what they were earlier in June, but they remain painfully high. While most people feel the impact of high energy prices most directly when they pay at the pump, the greater pain of this problem will be gradually increased in the coming year. Energy is the industry that powers all other industries. If energy costs go up, the cost of all business goes up. Adding to inflationary pressures that...

  • Visit Thermopolis

    Jul 7, 2022

    Visitors to Thermopolis and Hot Springs County can select between a large variety of attractions. Our crown jewel is Hot Springs State Park with its large green grass lawns and trees for shade, along with many places to relax and play. There are two swimming pools that contain the hot spring mineral waters, the Star Plunge and Hellie’s Teepee Pools. Don’t miss the good eats at the new Tipi Concessions located nearby. The State Bath House features free short soaks in the healing waters. Visit the Big Spring to see where the water comes from deep...

  • Prairie Doc Perspectives

    Jul 7, 2022

    by Andrew Ellsworth, M.D. Recently our family went on a camping trip. Our kids loved how we canoed our supplies across a lake and set up our campsite. My wife and I were reminded how much work it is. Soon our children were experiencing more mosquitos, flies, caterpillars, and ticks than they had ever seen before. On one of our lovely hikes, nearly every time I looked down, I found another tick crawling on my shoe or leg. Ticks love tall grass, wooded areas, and other moist and humid environments often close to the ground. Although you may find...

  • Open letter to Senators and Congressmen

    Jul 7, 2022

    Thursday morning last week, we awoke to find the stock markets opening down over 2% again, and 401k accounts down 30% or more. Since this is directly due to the policies of the current administration, and no fault of senior 401k investors, I believe it is time for you, my Representative and Senators, to introduce legislation to waive the required withdrawal of a given percent of 401k accounts for those over 70 1/2. Seniors living on fixed incomes are suffering from 8.6% inflation, $5.00+ gasoline prices, 30% losses to their 401k’s and food c...

  • Guns win, moms lose: Creating generational poverty

    Jul 7, 2022

    This past few weeks saw major erosions to the rights of Americans. Supreme Court decisions were made along political party lines. Us old people know this, but the young don’t, so for their benefit, I’d like to give a synopsis. There are 2 competing visions for America (called political parties: Dems and Reps). The GOP (grand old party)-Republicans push laws for putting more guns on the streets, cut worker’s abilities to unionize, strip working people from access to Medicaid, Medicare & Social Security, protect monopolies by corporations, spend...

  • PAW applauds courts

    Jul 7, 2022

    by Ryan McConnaughey The Petroleum Association of Wyoming (PAW) issued the following statement in response to both the Q2 2022 BLM Lease Auction and the Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. EPA: While the oil and natural gas industry is continually improving operations and reducing emissions, we believe any federal regulatory framework must be based in legal authority granted by an Act of Congress. The Legislative Branch has long abdicated its duty in passing coherent, meaningful legislation that addresses the most pressing issues of t...

  • Never take your freedoms for granted

    Jun 30, 2022

    This summer is packed with many activities here in Thermopolis and we should be thankful. With the post-pandemic COVID circumstance, we must never take our freedoms for granted. They can be lost if we are passive. President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is a fragile thing, and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.” Just last week Thermopolis enjoyed the PRCA Parade and Rodeo, which...

  • Phone connections

    Jun 30, 2022

    by Jill Pertler If the fire alarm went off in your home or workplace and you had to evacuate quickly, what would you grab on your way out? Besides pets, spouses, chapstick and an extra change of underwear, I’m guessing most of us could agree on one item: our phones. Our phones have become an extension of us. We wouldn’t consider leaving home without them. I didn’t see it coming - this reliance I have (we have) on our phones. They’re our communication link to the outside world, but that’s only the beginning. They are calendars, calculato...

  • Bison are not endangered

    Jun 23, 2022

    by John Malmberg We are not at all surprised the U.S. Fish and Wildlife is conducting a status review on the Yellowstone bison to determine if they should be given Endangered Species Act status after the USFW received pressure from environmental groups. The Yellowstone bison population with 6,000 head is now larger than at any point since the park’s founding. So apparently to the those environmental groups’ way of reasoning, since the bison population is greater than ever and increasing despite depredation by wolves, grizzly bears, bru...

  • 'Sue and Settle:' the rigged game that Wyoming can only lose

    Jun 23, 2022

    by U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, M.D. Wyoming is the energy capital of America. Americans count on Wyoming energy for gasoline and diesel fuel for our cars and trucks. Natural gas powers and heats our homes in the winter. We rely on coal to generate our electricity. Tens of thousands of Americans have jobs that rely on production of Wyoming oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. The Biden administration is trying to change that. Once again, the president has sided with the radical left to choke off American energy production. This latest move is...

  • Wy not Disneyland?

    Jun 23, 2022

    Time will tell how much the flood-caused closing of Yellowstone will hurt the Wyoming tourism industry. Seems there was a brief boom for Thermopolis as tourists already on the way saw the signs “Yellowstone Park All Entrances Closed” or learned the bad news elsewise and turned to other locations. But what about people who are still at home, in parts east, west and south of the nation’s first national park--and that’s most of the country--and planning to go elsewhere? I sure hope they don’t go to Disneyland/World or some other artificial “theme...

  • The system is broken

    Jun 16, 2022

    Wyoming’s property tax system is deeply flawed. The recent burden that rapidly rising home values placed on residents illustrated those flaws. Rising home values mean steep property tax increases for everyone who owns real estate, including elderly homeowners on fixed incomes. Certainly a 20% or more hike in property taxes is a tough pill to swallow for anyone. But for those residents living solely on social security, it is devastating. Because property assessments are governed by state statute, there is nothing that county-level a...

  • The difference Dad's make

    Jun 16, 2022

    by Brian Schroeder Superintendent of Public Instruction “We’ll go fishing on Saturday, boy, I promise!”All week long, it’s what the kid lived for. To spend a whole day with dad in a boat on the river would be the highlight of his summer. In fact, the young lad was so excited that on the Friday night before the big day, he took his fishing pole and tackle box to bed with him. Early the next morning the boy was up before his dad, getting dressed, assembling his gear, re-examining his lures for the umpteenth time. Then he heard the phone ring. T...

  • Of car keys and "Gun Control"

    Jun 9, 2022

    by Thomas L. Knapp, Director The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism The clamor for “gun control” never goes away in American politics. It occasionally simmers down to a dull roar, but every mass shooting recharges the bullhorn batteries. Thus, in the wake of the recent atrocities in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, a Morning Consult / Politico Poll poll says that 56% of Americans consider it “a top priority” or “an important, but lower priority” for Congress to pass legislation “placing additional re...

  • The correlation between inflation and lack of accountability

    Jun 2, 2022

    by Kevin Killough Every time we go grocery shopping, fill up our cars, or buy new appliances, we all feel it. Inflation is up 8.5% over last year, the highest rate in over 40 years. Many analysts, including President Joe Biden’s own White House Council of Economic Advisers, point to the federal government’s COVID-response policies as the main culprit. It’s not surprising that if you send millions of Americans big unencumbered checks, they’re going to spend that money on stuff. The increased demand for goods and services will create shortag...

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