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  • Get your eyes checked

    Oct 26, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD If you ever played baseball, you may have been told to “keep your eye on the ball.” When batting, a baseball player is taught to watch the ball the entire time from when it leaves the pitcher’s hand to when, hopefully, their bat smacks the ball for a hit. It may sound simple, but some pitchers can throw fast and sometimes they throw a curveball. Great hitters use their vision and spot the difference, helping them get a hit. Lose focus, and in the blink of an eye the pitch has whipped past them for a strike. Like keepi...

  • Inaugural list of price controls on U.S. medicines means hard choices for investors

    Oct 26, 2023

    by John Stanford The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced the first 10 drugs that will be subject to Medicare’s new price controls. More drugs will follow each year. Industry is grappling with the effects this change will have on new drug development -- and it’s clear that lawmakers need to enact at least one adjustment to eliminate a distortion they introduced in the development pipeline. The good news is that it’s an easy fix. In crafting the legislation, lawmakers saw the need to strike a balance between lower price...

  • Full disclosure

    Oct 19, 2023

    by Lara Love Last week’s print version of the Independent Record included the wrong page 4. My apologies to our loyal readers for the mistake. Last week’s issue also included the analysis and conclusion of the officer involved shooting that happened in Thermopolis in April of this year. The document was issued on Sept. 21 by Special Prosecutor Daniel E. Erramouspe, Sweetwater County Attorney. Erramouspe was appointed as Special Prosecutor to review the case. Erramouspe relied upon the investigation conducted by lead investigator, Special Age...

  • Response to Garbin's letter to the editor

    Oct 19, 2023

    The October 5th Edition of the Thermopolis Independent Record was full of useful, timely information and should there be a statewide or national award for local news reporting of newspapers of our subscription size, I would suggest the October 5th Edition be submitted for consideration. We learned that we have a recognized prodigy debate coach in Lyle Wiley teaching in our High School, meaning our community is unique in having a gifted potential advisor on all community decision making processes, and we should invite his critique and continued...

  • Living without anger

    Oct 19, 2023

    by Bryan Golden The “benefits” of anger are many. Stress, anxiety, diminished judgment, reduced productivity, poor digestion, sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure, negative impact on relationships, unhappiness, and attraction of negative situations can all be yours just by being angry. Anger repels people, destroys relationships, creates problems, intensifies problems, causes regret, burns bridges, and dissolves solutions. Anger doesn’t have to manifest itself via your behavior to be destructive. Anger that is internalized can be j...

  • The secret to losing weight

    Oct 19, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD People often think they need to lose weight. The hard part, of course, is following through on that desire in a sustained and successful manner. Here are a few of the ways people do lose weight, and the secrets of their success. Some people should not lose weight, so please talk to your doctor. First of all, consider the reasons to lose weight. Benefits can include having more energy, improved mobility, fewer aches and pains, sleeping better, improvement in mood, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of heart disease, dia...

  • Full disclosure

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Lara Love This week’s issue includes the analysis and conclusion of the officer involved shooting that happened in Thermopolis in April of this year. The document was issued on Sept. 21 by Special Prosecutor Daniel E. Erramouspe, Sweetwater County Attorney. Erramouspe was appointed as Special Prosecutor to review the case. Erramouspe relied upon the investigation conducted by lead investigator, Special Agent Kiel Holder of the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. He reviewed all documentation, reports, forensics, interviews, audio f...

  • Response to last weeks letter to the editor

    Oct 12, 2023

    The October 5th Edition of the Thermopolis Independent Record was full of useful, timely information and should there be a statewide or national award for local news reporting of newspapers of our subscription size, I would suggest the October 5th Edition be submitted for consideration. We learned that we have a recognized prodigy debate coach in Lyle Wiley teaching in our High School,meaning our community is unique in having a gifted potential advisor on all community decision making processes, and we should invite his critique and continued...

  • Living without anger

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Bryan Golden The “benefits” of anger are many. Stress, anxiety, diminished judgment, reduced productivity, poor digestion, sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure, negative impact on relationships, unhappiness, and attraction of negative situations can all be yours just by being angry. Anger repels people, destroys relationships, creates problems, intensifies problems, causes regret, burns bridges, and dissolves solutions. Anger doesn’t have to manifest itself via your behavior to be destructive. Anger that is internalized can be just as da...

  • The secret to losing weight

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD People often think they need to lose weight. The hard part, of course, is following through on that desire in a sustained and successful manner. Here are a few of the ways people do lose weight, and the secrets of their success.  Some people should not lose weight, so please talk to your doctor. First of all, consider the reasons to lose weight. Benefits can include having more energy, improved mobility, fewer aches and pains, sleeping better, improvement in mood, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of heart disease, d...

  • Wyoming Public Records Act opens corridor to truth

    Oct 5, 2023

    by John Malmberg, Cody Enterprise Two guiding lights that anyone seeking to serve the public should unceasingly keep in sight are truth and transparency. The truth will always be discovered. Someone always knows what transpired. No matter how much a government official, an attorney or a private individual attempts to cover up some deed or action, the truth will always be exposed. This is where the Wyoming Public Records Act becomes so crucial. A recent request by an attorney for the Preserve Our Cody Neighborhoods group to the state for...

  • Let us love in deed and truth

    Oct 5, 2023

    Dear Hot Springs County Community: I am writing this letter to the editor to share what has been put on my heart by the Holy Spirit. We are blessed to have been a part of this community since April 2005. Yes, we do consider our selves to be new comers, but have always felt welcome. Having been adopted as “strays” with no blood family ties in Wyoming. We have tried to be a positive addition to this wonderful Wyoming city/ town. Volunteering, lending our hands and hearts to those in need, and putting our efforts into groups, clubs and boa...

  • Improve the lighting outside the fair building

    Oct 5, 2023

    The following is a letter submitted to the Hot Springs County Commissioners. Dear Commissioners: I had the great pleasure of attending the recent Gottsche Fundraising Event at your Fair Building on Saturday, September 16th. My congratulations to all of the organizers and volunteers for a job well done. It was an excellent event which I hope to enjoy in years to come. I was shocked when I and others were leaving the building after 9:00pm to see how dark and dangerous the parking lot was. The single light over the door was totally insufficient...

  • We all need oxygen

    Oct 5, 2023

    World Oxygen Day was Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. For the last 40 years, supplemental oxygen therapy has been a mainstay treatment for millions of people of all ages living with respiratory problems. These people rely upon oxygen therapy to relieve the symptoms like breathlessness and limited activity caused by chronic problems like COPD, as well as more acute conditions like pneumonia and sleep problems. Despite its ability to add years to people’s lives and life to their years, advancements in oxygen therapy technology have been very slow to h...

  • Educate yourself on the rights enshrined in the Constitution

    Sep 28, 2023

    by John Malmberg, Cody Enterprise On Sept. 17, 1787, the Constitution of the United States was signed. However, it wasn’t until four years later on Dec. 15, 1791, that the first 10 amendments, the Bill of Rights, were added to the document. It is beneficial, however, to regularly remember those rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is as valuable today as it was when it was first ratified. It is the bedrock -- it is the solid foundation -- on which our country has survived and prospered for more than 200 years. T...

  • Grizzly encounter shows need for state management

    Sep 21, 2023

    by John Malmberg, Cody Enterprise A grizzly bear that wandered into a residential area east of Cody last week was trapped and euthanized. The wayward grizzly was seen very near the home of a family with six young children. We are grateful none of those children encountered the bear. No one can know for certain, but if management of grizzly bears had been turned over to the state of Wyoming perhaps the bear would not have invaded private property. The bear might have been killed by a hunter, but most likely would not have been outside the area...

  • Wyoming's 988 Suicide and Crisis Line

    Sep 21, 2023

    As part of its commitment to help reduce suicide deaths across the state, the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is sharing key information about the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and its operations in Wyoming. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is free, confidential and always available. The system involves a national network of local crisis centers that provide free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Two call centers within Wyoming are part of the lifeline network. “We believe it’s a benefi...

  • Breast cancer can effect anyone

    Sep 21, 2023

    by Debra Johnston, MD My mother had 6 siblings, 16 aunts and uncles, and innumerable cousins. She was the first of them all to be diagnosed with breast cancer. I think of my mom every time one of my patients tells me they aren’t concerned about breast cancer because it doesn’t run in their family. Unfortunately, that is true of most people who are diagnosed with the disease. I also think of my mother every time I do a breast exam, or teach someone else how to do a self exam. Her breast cancer was one not detectable by the mammogram tec...

  • Coming together

    Sep 14, 2023

    Monday marked the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others in the worst attack against the USA in our nation’s history. Many of us will never forget that tragic day or what we were doing when we heard the news. We hope the younger generation will never have to live through anything remotely similar. Commemorations were held at the three attack sites — New York’s Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa. Across the country, memorials were held to commemorate the anniv...

  • ALS - Not just Lou Gehrig's Disease

    Sep 14, 2023

    by Jill Kruse, DO On July 4, 1939 Lou Gehrig said these famous words at Yankee Stadium, “For the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break that I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” The bad break he was referring to was the diagnosis of a condition that would become synonymous with him - a neuromuscular condition called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a disease which causes motor nerves in the brain and spinal cord to break down. This reduces the nerves ability to control muscl...

  • Big Horn Basin should be the home of state shooting complex

    Sep 7, 2023

    by Zac Taylor, Powell Tribune If the state is already committed to building a massive state shooting complex, why not the Big Horn Basin? In the last legislative session, a bill was overwhelmingly passed to fund the first $10 million of what could end up being an over $20 million project to build a state shooting complex. Since then, business and government leaders in different regions of the state have been marshaling together groups to pitch their region as the optimum place for the complex. There’s a group forming in Park County too, led by...

  • Learning with the littles

    Sep 7, 2023

    by Jill Pertler I just finished a visit with my littles, aka grands. They are five dollars, nearly three dollars and 25 cents, if we are counting in years. It was a giggly, playful, cuddly, I’m not hungry, I’m so hungry, I’m not tired, I just fell asleep sitting up, I don’t have to go, I have to go real bad, colorful. craft-filled, hug-filled, love-filled, sand-filled, sticky, spillful, wonderful set of days. We swam in the lake and rode in the boat. We splashed our toes at the beach. We visited the candy store and paid all by ourselv...

  • Be the hero of your story

    Aug 31, 2023

    This time marks the beginning of a new year for the students of our community, around the state and the country. Children come to school with butterflies in their stomachs, excited and trembling, and they wonder about what they will experience in their new grade. But isn’t it interesting that anyone can start new again at any time in their lives? A hero’s journey can cycle in someone’s life. You don’t have to repeat the same lesson over and over, you can grow and overcome. Can you be the hero of your story? Can you take on an adventure and pur...

  • Why a raid of a Kansas newspaper matters in Wyoming

    Aug 24, 2023

    Did you see the news recently? Did you pay attention to the attack on the First Amendment? It did not come from politicians or the government but rather from law enforcement. According to a story from the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and more than 30 news media organizations are condemning last week’s police raid of Kansas’s Marion County Record during which law enforcement officers seized the newspaper’s electronic newsgathering equipment and reporting materials. The Repor...

  • Concerned citizen recommends you stay informed

    Aug 24, 2023

    On August 15, I wrote a letter to the Hot Springs County Commissioners requesting them to do what I believe is right and moral concerning Michael and Michele Stevens’ Tipi Retreat on the Stevens’ property. The courts had remanded the case back to the County Commissioners. I feel this essentially gave the County Board of Commissioners another chance to do what I believe is the right thing. The August 15 meeting agenda included an item called “Approval of Specific Findings by Board Upon Remand by District Court”. The day before the meeting...

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