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  • Voters be mindful of what is being done

    Apr 13, 2023

    I would like to express my gratitude to both Jean Skelton and to Andrea Miller for their presentation to the Hot Springs County School Board during the month of March. If there are those who have not seen the presentation, I encourage you go on the Hot Springs County School website and review those presentations. Both individuals were able to present information to the board and to the community of events going on in our school district. We have seen in the past year a number of families deciding best to home school due to changes being...

  • I can see clearly now

    Apr 13, 2023

    by Jill Kruse, DO Johnny Nash may have started his song with “I can see clearly now, the rain has gone,” but what about someone with cataracts. They cannot easily see “all the obstacles in their way”, and there are not “dark clouds that make you blind” like in the song, but cataracts do cause vision clouding. Cataracts is the name given to the clouding of the lenses in the eyes. These lenses allow light to pass through the eye to the retina, where the signal is sent to the brain so we can perceive the world around us. Common symptoms of...

  • Preserve the unique nature of the Pryor horses

    Apr 6, 2023

    by David Peck, Lovell Chronicle Every now and then we human beings, as caretakers of the ecosystem around us, have a chance to do something truly special and long-lasting for the betterment of our corner of the world. Given a chance to be caretakers, it is vital that we do things right to preserve a species that might otherwise fade away. Such is the case with the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustangs. Sixty years ago, local ranchers and community members fought tooth and nail to preserve the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustangs, calling attention to plans by...

  • Business owner explains closing

    Apr 6, 2023

    The Lazy Fox will be closing the beginning of April. Our business survived the pandemic, the only other food business on the block burning down and the death of my mother who helped us build the bakery. This year we had been weathering rising food, power, and gas prices but the final straw was seeing another year where we could not afford health insurance. When we lost mom last year it was in part because she held off on going in when she felt sick because she had a gap in her insurance. By the time we got her to go in it was too late. We do...

  • Overwhelming support

    Mar 30, 2023

    Saturday’s fundraiser cookie jar auction for Tommy Sullivan packed the Hot Springs County Fair Building with auction items and generous community members. The auction netted the largest amount brought in at one of these local fundraising auctions that continue to prove, over and over, just how caring and giving our community members can be. Despite the snow storm that again blanketed Hot Springs County, people came from far and near to show their support for Sullivan and his family. The history of the fundraising cookie jar auctions held in t...

  • Additional items discussed at school board meeting

    Mar 30, 2023

    I am a Hot Springs County School Board Trustee and am writing a response to the article written about our last board meeting. I would like to thank the Independent Record for its coverage of our local meetings. The paper is a good resource for keeping our community members informed. Thank you for the article congratulating our math and science teachers. There were however other important agenda items not mentioned. I thought I would take a moment to write down some key points that were missed. The meeting lasted for more than 7 hours. The publi...

  • Legislature dodged property tax solutions

    Mar 23, 2023

    by Stephen Dow, Cody Enterprise The Wyoming Legislature took some meaningful steps toward long-term reform of the state’s property tax system during its recently completed general session, but the immediate financial relief many Wyoming residents needed was in frustratingly short supply. Let’s start with the positives. The body approved a bill allocating $50,000 for a study on the changes necessary to convert the property tax system to an acquisition-based model, and another letting voters decide in 2024 whether they want to separate res...

  • Are you a Veteran in crisis or know one who is?

    Mar 23, 2023

    If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about someone who is, help is here. In January, the new COMPACT Act went into effect across the U.S. The COMPACT Act is the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care and Treatment legislation. The Act allows all honorably discharged Veterans who are experiencing a suicidal crisis to go to ANY mental healthcare facility for no-cost treatment. Veterans do NOT need to be enrolled to use this benefit. This provision makes critical, and potentially life-saving, support available to our dedicated...

  • Road deaths are spiking

    Mar 16, 2023

    Living in Wyoming requires an acceptance that simple tasks like driving to the store can be difficult or even dangerous during the winter months. We’re used to snow, ice, wind, polar temperatures and even the occasional blizzard. But by any measure, this winter has been especially brutal for travel. On March 3, Wyoming recorded its 31st crash death of 2023. At that time last year, only 12 people had died in crashes here. In 2021, that number was 18. Some of the carnage can be attributed to this winter’s severity. We’ve experienced more storm...

  • Growing crystals

    Mar 16, 2023

    by Jill Pertler Don’t ask me why I do what I do, but lately I’ve been growing crystals. Not the meth kind. I know, that’s a terribly bad joke. My crystals are purely legal and grown in a heat-safe glass jar in my kitchen. I feel like a kid in 8th grade science class. It’s all part of a larger, geode-making project that I’m involved in. The fake crystals will be part of the fake geodes. It sounds much less attractive than it is in real/fake life. Sort of like the housewives of wherever but without the drama, false eyelashes and botox. If you ar...

  • Parents are fighting and winning against critical race theory

    Mar 16, 2023

    by Lance Izumi and Wenyuan Wu Submitted to Wyoming Press Assoc. Because critical race theory is the most divisive doctrine ever to threaten America’s schools, it has spawned a great parent revolt, which has turned ordinary moms and dads into extraordinary heroes. As opposed to classical Marxism, which divided people into oppressor and oppressed classes based on economic status, critical race theory uses race to separate people, with Whites being viewed as oppressors and non-Whites viewed as the oppressed. All across the country there are e...

  • Spring ahead

    Mar 9, 2023

    With the first day of Spring right around the corner, this weekend marks the beginning of Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 12 at 2 a.m. Thanks to technology, most of our cell phones will make the leap on their own. Don’t forget to set all your other clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night or change them Sunday morning. Under legislation unanimously passed by the Senate last March, known as the Sunshine Protection Act, the seasonal changing of clocks would have effectively been eliminated in the U.S. Despite initial e...

  • Thank you for World Day of Prayer gathering

    Mar 9, 2023

    I feel uplifted and blessed by having attended the World Day of Prayer gathering Friday at the fair building. We find such goodness in Thermopolis! We see so many people helping to build the kingdom of God by being kind and caring as well as generous not only in their time but also their money to support many worthy and meaningful fundraisers. We see people reaching out and helping with the same genuine love our Savior showed. In his first epistle to the Corinthians Paul stated “There should be no schism in the body but that the members s...

  • Wolf in Lovell

    Mar 2, 2023

    by Zac Taylor If the groups now fighting an attempt to re-delist Yellowstone area grizzly bears need proof that their concerns state management will lead to a severe drop in population below recovery levels are not based in truth, they need look no further than the wolf recently killed by a federal trapper in Lovell. Area wolves have been managed by the states, including Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, since 2017 and if anything, the management has erred on the side of leniency. Yellowstone area wolves have clearly thrived since their placement in...

  • United State of America

    Mar 2, 2023

    Is the handwriting on the wall? ; Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. Interpretation: Mene - GOD has numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Tekel - Thou art weighed in the balances, and found wanting. Peres - Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. Obviously this is Daniel warning Belshazzar the King of Babylon of impending doom. OK what does this have to do with America? Like it or not, America was founded on Biblical principals, and we claim to be, “One Nation Under GOD”. Because of that GOD has every right to send des...

  • Credit where credit is due

    Feb 23, 2023

    Heading into this year’s legislative session, there were nearly a dozen bills that dealt with improving access to mental health care, increasing mental health offerings in public K-12 schools and access to crisis suicide prevention. Sadly, that Wyoming is experiencing an epidemic of mental health issues is not news and Wyoming remains at the top of some rather unfortunate categories. The suicide rate in Wyoming is perennially one of the highest in the nation. While the rest of the country saw a decline in suicide rate last year, Wyoming saw a...

  • Clearly define 'woke'

    Feb 23, 2023

    This month, we will have a speaker that is specializing in woke culture. As a college graduate with a well traveled life, I would really like this person and/or organization hosting him to clearly define “woke.” Instead of using a slang term, spell it out. If it is going to be promoted as a way to control the education of ALL our children, we need you to not fight a culture war. Be honest. Georgeanne Hammond...

  • Is all high blood pressure hypertension?

    Feb 23, 2023

    by Kelly Evans-Hullinger, MD Many people find themselves being told, “your blood pressure is pretty high today!” You might be at the dentist’s office for a filling, in the emergency room getting stitches after an avocado mishap, or maybe you’re at your annual physical appointment. If you’ve never had high blood pressure you might be surprised at this news! Sometimes my own patients will call my office after such an event, “Doc, should I be on blood pressure medication?” When we get these calls our typical answer is: maybe, but maybe not. Bl...

  • Bears need to be managed by states

    Feb 16, 2023

    by John Malmberg, Cody Enterprise Once again federal wildlife officials are considering surrendering management of grizzly bears to the states. The announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service came last Friday. We hope this time it is successful. This is the Fish and Wildlife’s third attempt in 16 years to drop the Endangered Species Act protection for the grizzlies in the Yellowstone region and turn management over to the states. The population of grizzly bears in the area around Yellowstone is now estimated at more than 1,000 bears. In...

  • Limited Urban Agriculture proposed in town

    Feb 16, 2023

    Are we being oppressed? Oppression - 1. dominate harshly: to subject a person or a people to a harsh or cruel form of domination 2. inflict stress on: to be a source of worry, stress, or trouble to somebody 3. suppress: to hold something in check or put an end to it (archaic) That’s a strong word to some, but none of its synonyms are any better, domination, coercion, cruelty, tyranny, subjugation, persecution, harassment, or repression. The word we all love better is the antonym, of liberty. I’m just asking that the townspeople be relieved of...

  • County Attorney's Office issues statement

    Feb 16, 2023

    On behalf of Hot Springs County and the Board of County Commissioners, the Hot Springs County Attorney’s Office would like to make the following statements: 1. The Tipi Retreat, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, Michelle Stevens, individually, and Michael Stevens, individually, brought suit against the Hot Springs County Board of County Commissioners on or about January 19th, 2022, Docket No. 2022-03 in the District Court, 5th Judicial District. 2. The Defendant (Hot Springs County BOCC) filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgement o...

  • Wishing won't make it so

    Feb 16, 2023

    by Bryan Golden Everyone wishes for good fortune and a problem free life. Yet many people are disappointed with their situations. Is wishing effective or is it overrated? The answer is yes to both. So what’s the catch? Wishing alone is unproductive. If you want results, wishing must be followed by action. Wishing without action is as ineffective as leaving your car in neutral. Without being in gear, revving the engine at full throttle will make a lot of noise but won’t move you an inch. Whenever you were told to wish for what you wanted, you...

  • A tip of the hat to school bus drivers

    Feb 9, 2023

    by David Peck, Lovell Chronicle This is the time of year when we doff our hats to the folks who take our school kids from event to event: our bus drivers. Hollywood has made fun of bus drivers as hapless victims of rowdy school kids hell bent on raising as much havoc as possible during a simple ride to school, and indeed, some routes surely do enjoy their share of hijinks. But Hollywood aside, where drivers really shine is on long road trips for sporting events and a variety of other activities. Games and music, ag or academic events are on a...

  • Librarians as child pornographers? Wyoming HB87

    Feb 9, 2023

    Governing a diverse people is difficult – a lot like trying to manage a family of children, all with different needs, wants and interests, all pulling at a parent’s jeans’ legs at the same time. Sometimes they ask for things that aren’t good for them. It is the same with our communities. Sometimes, well-meaning people get caught up in issues that are not good for the community. I believe this is the case with HB87- Crimes of obscenity – revisions, which calls for librarians to be subject to prosecution as child pornographers. In a state who...

  • Information provided on the Japanese Balloon

    Feb 9, 2023

    World War II was in its third year in 1944. The Allies were slowly gaining on the Germans and Japanese on the European and Pacific fronts. After several defeats by the Americans in the Pacific, the Japanese were slowly being forced back toward their home islands. Now, the Americans had control of the shipping lanes and the air as numerous Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk by the allies. Now, the Japanese had to pull back to defend their homeland. They had to develop something new that we could not destroy. The Japanese assembled the...

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