Sorted by date Results 1300 - 1324 of 1326
Andrew Arellanes died May 13, 2013. He was 17 years old, a star athlete on the Surprise, Ariz. high school football team and had good grades. Andrew died late at night from head injuries he received when the speeding pickup he was riding in the bed of made a sharp turn, tossing him from the truck onto his head on the pavement. Andrew was playing “Fugitive.” Fifteen-year old Ashlee Aguilera from Ft. Worth, Texas spent weeks in intensive care after being hit by a car in the dark while dashing acro...
Many gardeners have honed their tips and tricks over the years and the Red Dirt Master Gardeners offer the following ideas. Sonja Becker’s favorite tool is the hula or stirrup hoe, named for its shape. The movable “scuffer” is easier to maneuver than a standard hoe. Use in garden rows and around plants to eliminate weeds fast. Cindi Dragon sprinkles chopped flowers and leaves of “feverfew” on cabbage plants. Feverfew repels white butterflies which, in turn, prevents green worms that devour cabbage. Judy Harvey sweetens tomatoes with sugar. Pl...
Not long ago my husband showed up with a sandwich for lunch that he bought at a local supermarket. I thought it was going to be our usual: turkey and provolone with lettuce on a hard roll, always plenty for both of us. At $6.50, how could you go wrong? This time the sandwich was different. It now cost $9.50 and was piled high with turkey and cheese on a roll that was much bigger than what we were used to. In short, it was awful—enough meat and cheese for four people on squishy bread that tasted more like a morning sweet roll. But the bigger s...
A night dedicated to fresh flowers will be held at the library on Monday June 29th at 6:30. Please, bring a vase, your fresh flowers, or use flowers provided by the library as Shelly Burrows from The Shoppe teaches us how to create amazing arrangements in the latest styles for any occasion. Call me at 864-3104 to sign up. On Monday July 6 the library will host a unique program for us to learn more about the ancient art of fiber spinning from three internationally recognized authorities. The presenters will discuss their efforts to preserve...
“I’m bored. Think of something to do.” If these words ever should jump from your lips to your spouse’s ear, make sure your lips are somewhere far removed from such ear. Be aware that the number of possible outcomes from such a question are severely limited to generally two possibilities. One, she/he will simply say some variation of “I’m not the one bored. You think of something”, or 2) There’s a knitting contest at the senior center (Chinese checker open competition at same) that should prove interesting. Thankfully, we live in an area of t...
I’m starting an exclusive club for disorganized women, but not just anyone can join. Each person will have to pass an admissions exam. You can be one of my charter members as long as you can answer yes to at least five of the scenarios in the exam. I’m in heaven as I think about starting this exclusive, club (no BOs allowed) and I’m calling it CLUB ORGANIZED. Really, I’m just changing the name of my website from to but in the excitement of being able to get this perfect name for my webs...
I see that the no-trespassing signs are up again at the ‘King-Spiller Learning Center.’ Cal had a good idea to set that land aside for that. The tourist could come up and learn something. Kids could spend time at the park and then do some exploring up there. People could talk about everything that they had seen up here. Now they can go back and talk about everything they couldn’t see. Heck, they can take pictures of the sun setting over a no-trespassing sign – beautiful. We need something for people to see and enjoy. I hope the town had eno...
Lately it seems like much of the crime report column consists of reports about people who haven’t mowed their laws. This is an interesting way to compel neighbors to conform their property to arbitrary standards with no consideration of the fact that it has rained almost every day for weeks, making it difficult to mow. I’d like to suggest a couple of other ways to achieve yard compliance: how about if the victims of this crime beautify their own yards as an inspiration to everyone, or while the complainants are out measuring grass blades and...
This Sunday, June 14, is recognized as Flag Day across the U.S. Proclaimed first in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson, it did not become an official, yearly observance until President Harry Truman in 1949. The “stars and bars” have been held aloft by military and civilians since the Civil War, taken into battle, flown proudly over government buildings and draped in the windows of countless Americans since 1777. I’ve noticed recently there has been a good deal of hoopla over social media regarding...
Flag Day will soon be here so this is a good time to remind business owners and individuals to replace your tattered, dirty U.S. flags with new ones. Please dispose of them properly....
We hear about it every day. A woman bought a car online and paid a $500 deposit only to find out the car never existed, and her money is gone. A man wired money to his son’s attorney only to find out his son hadn’t even been arrested, and his money is gone. A person bought a thoroughbred work dog only to find out the dog doesn’t exist, and their money is gone. Police chief Steve Shay explained it best. He said there is a high chance the people running internet and phone scams will never be caught. The reason? Local authorities don’t have th... Full story
A representative of the Set Free Church seems to want the Law Enforcement Center rules changed to suit himself and some family members of inmates of our local jail. Someone should remind him, our jail is not a WalMart, open 24/7 for a reason. Possibly the inmates could have used his ministering before they committed their crimes. Then they might be on the outside, not incarcerated....
Four terms good to know before you grow tomatoes are “determinate, indeterminate, heirloom and hybrid” to ensure you get what you want. 1. Determinate, also known as plum or bush tomatoes, are compact and useful for small spaces or short-season gardens. Bush tomatoes are bred to stop growing around 3-4 feet tall. All the fruit usually ripens within a two-week period making this a good choice for canning or preserving. Additionally, Roma tomatoes, also in this category, are used for making paste, sauce and drying because they are meaty and usu...
"In every life a little rain must fall." ~ Longfellow Its been a long week in Hot Springs County, with rain every day, puddles and mud everywhere and lawns growing so fast it almost looks like a jungle out there. That rain put residents and travelers to the test over the weekend with mud and rock slides in Wind River Canyon closing us off from the rest of the world for a few days. "What happens to the mail?", "What if they can't get food to the grocery stores?", "What if we run out of gas?" You...
Grab your diploma, enjoy your accomplishment and buckle up for the ride that is your life. Congratulations. You graduated high school. Things get fun now. Really. Someday, who you were in high school will matter very little. The popular will lose their shine, the shy will come out of their shells and the geeks will take over the world. Whether you go to college or straight to a career, things will change. You will be making new friends, exploring new opportunities and working to become whatever...
It’s transcendence. Opening a book and recreating the way you look at the world is more than just a change of perspective – it’s an actual out of body experience. When I read a great book, I actually become the narrator. Although the narrator’s rationale and decision making may be off the beaten path for most readers, people who allow themselves to be consumed by a story reach almost a spiritual level. It’s similar to a dream, except the words don’t leave a person’s mind the moment their reading experience is done with. The philosopher M... Full story
Thanks to everyone who supported trying to change the city ordinance to let chickens in the city limits. I got about 100 signatures in less than a week, but for the town council that wasn’t enough. They commented that all they got was people calling them and saying “no” to the chickens. It would have been more fair I felt if they would have given me more time, or told me how many signatures I needed. Then it sounded like I should have rules and regulations for keeping them. Only one council member had an open mind to take it further. I’ll...
As we go from cozy up at home weather to travel season you will still want a good book. I’d like to suggest you consider an option for making your time on the road more enjoyable, MP3 CD’s. They are perfect for those looking to take a summer road trip or driving for their jobs. Most cd players will accept them and they have the advantage of allowing the listener to insert a single disc for even the longest novels. We offer unabridged works meaning you get the entire text as the author intended. With traditional recorded books this means changin...
Seasons come and go. The sun rises and sets. We celebrate beginnings, endings and all things in between. This weekend, we celebrate mothers. Even though I am a mother myself, the day is clouded by the fact that I am a Mother’s Day orphan. The day, while a celebration, also becomes a time tinged with sadness. Other orphans may understand. It doesn’t matter if you are five or 55, Mother’s Day without a mother creates an emptiness – a renewed awareness of a vacancy where something real used to flourish. This void is a reminder of your grief,...
It is my understanding that changes are being made to the rose bushes at the south end of Bicentennial Park at 5th and Broadway in Thermopolis. At this time it is good to remember why they were planted there in the first place and the history of the park. After fire destroyed much of the area the idea of making it over into a park in honor of our Nation was considered. Much work of the people of the county went toward its establishment. The Hot Springs County and The Thermopolis Bicentennial Committees undertook the park’s establishment as a p...
By now we have all heard about the riots taking place in Baltimore. The police haven’t been enough to stop the rioting; the National Guard has been brought in; normal life in the streets has all but become impossible. It all started with the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who was arrested and taken into police custody. The death itself is still shrouded in mystery, but a few facts are clear. When Gray was arrested in Baltimore on April 12 he was struggling to walk. By the time he got to the police station a half an hour l... Full story
During a town council meeting Tuesday, a community member asked council members to consider making it legal to keep chickens in the backyards of residential homes in town. While this proposal may seem fantastic to some, and silly to others, the town council essentially agreed that they were going to wait to hear back from the community before they make a decision one way or the other. A petition will begin circulating soon, which will gauge the interest of people in Thermopolis to this possible new rule change. Mayor Mike Mortimore said that...
Here are ten tips for getting your yard and garden into great shape this spring. 1. Buy new plants. There are wonderful new vegetable hybrids and colors now available at local nurseries and garden centers. 2. Mow. Mowing early and regularly will keep most weeds under control. 3. Prepare your soil. Test the soil and amend it with organic fertilizer and compost, as needed. 4. Rotate garden plots. To control diseases, move the legumes (beans and peas), brassicas (broccoli and cabbage), and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers) to...
What was launched in February 2004 and claims to have more than one billion active users worldwide? Yes, the answer is Facebook, despite the fact many users have a love/hate relationship with the social networking site. There are no boundaries on this out of control time guzzler. Users can say what they want, express themselves through an unlimited number of selfies and even pretend to be a 14-year-old girl when in reality ‘Betty Sue Smith’ is actually a 43-year-old pedophile preying on our you...
by Jill Pertler “Does technology free us or trap us?” This question came across my inbox the other day and caused me to pause. At first I thought it was a fairly straightforward and simple query – albeit one without a real answer. It’s like asking: Does clothing free us or trap us? Do seat belts free us or trap us? Bike helmets? Deadbolt locks? Dietary restrictions? Zippers? Mortgage payments? Children? Spouses? The answer has to do with perception and approach. Most things in life aren’t black and white. Shades of gray existed long before th...